St. Vincent de Paul – Good Works

“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Mt 25:40)

Here’s what your donations helped to accomplish during our last fiscal year:

2,671   Snack Packs – (Consists of one sleeve of Saltines, a small can of Vienna sausages, a small breakfast bar, health bar, peanut butter crackers, applesauce, diced fruit and a bottle of water).  This is to help an individual have the equivalent of a lunch meal.

454      Food bags are given to people who knock on the door and tell us they need food.  We try to give them canned items that will help for a couple of days.  We prefer to provide items that can be heated, i.e., red beans, hearty soups, rice, macaroni and cheese, pasta, fruit, and breakfast items (oatmeal, cereal, grits) if we have them on hand.

1,341   Shelter Vouchers – These people had a bed for the night, and didn’t have to sleep on the street.  There is always a line of people who arrive early Tuesday mornings hoping to receive a voucher.

120      Bus Tokens – It helps so much if you can pay for someone to ride the bus to a job, an interview or a doctor’s appointment.  Bus rides cost $1.25 but we are able to purchase vouchers for $1.09.

85        Christmas and Easter Baskets which provide for a complete holiday meal.

2,400   Blessing Bags – Purchased by you at our cost of $.50 to hand to people on the streets asking for a handout.  It holds a bottle of water, energy bar, cheese crackers, a prayer card and information on where to get help.

82        Seminars – Held quarterly on Saturday by our SVdP volunteer lawyer (who resolved 40 issues in the past 3 years!), CPA and others who counsel people on how to resolve problems and better their lives.

356 pairs of Socks, 45 pairs of gloves and 213 toiletry items.

$3,532 Utility bills – Many of the poor live in homes that aren’t insulated and are subjected to bills that exceed what they can afford.  Often they will turn AC’s up and heaters down to save money.

$937    Rent – We try to help with a small portion of rent, if possible.  It is very rare for us to pay a full month’s rent.

$1,296 Ozanam Inn – We cook a hot meal once a month and serve it to approximately 200 grateful people.