Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Rectory
As most of you know, one of the traditions of the “Irish Channel” in Uptown New Orleans is a St. Patrick’s Day parade. The parade takes place on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 beginning at 12:30pm, and passes right in front of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. In keeping with a tradition, Good Shepherd Parish is sponsoring a St. Patrick’s Day party to take place in the garden of the rectory, which is located adjacent to OLGC at 1307 Louisiana Avenue. The party will go from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm, and I am told that the party has another tradition of good food and beverages!
Volunteers are asked to email Barbara Fortier at barbaraf13@aol.com. Donations will be accepted at the party, and the proceeds will support the ministry of Good Shepherd Parish. Please join in an event that will help promote parish unity.