On Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. we will conduct a pro-life workshop in the cafeteria of St. Stephen Central School.
The Sidewalk Heroes workshop is designed to help churches, groups and individuals feel better equipped to be on the sidewalk in front of an abortion mill. This workshop is geared for anyone going out on the sidewalk – whether to participate as a “prayer warrior” or as a counselor – but it can also be a great source of information for individuals who strongly believe in the pro-life movement but have never worked “in the trenches.”
The workshop is faith-based, 3 hours long, and is packed with good information. The information includes the basics of abortion techniques; specific physical, emotion and spiritual consequences of abortions; who is typically seen going in for an abortion; and some of they reasons women feel compelled to have an abortion, and possible alternatives that can be offered. Legal aspects of sidewalk ministry are importantly addressed. And a short “practice” session will be conducted.
There is no cost for the workshop, other than 3 hours of your time. If you are interested please sign-up in the back of church or contact the parish office.