The Sacred Heart is one of the most famous religious devotions in the Church. The devotion is to Jesus’ physical heart as the representation of His divine love for Humanity. It is closely associated with Acts of Reparation to Christ. In the encyclical Miserentissimus Redemptor, Pope Pius XI stated: “the spirit of expiation or reparation has always had the first and foremost place in the worship given to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
The Sacred Heart is often depicted in Christian art as a flaming heart shining with divine light, pierced by the lance-wound, surrounded by a crown of thorns, surmounted by a cross and bleeding. Sometimes the image is over Jesus’ body with his wounded hands pointing at the heart. The wounds and crown of thorns allude to the manner of Jesus’ death, while the fire represents the transformative power of love.
The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart is celebrated 19 days after Pentecost – June 7.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us!