Our parish is incredibly generous in contributing when we ask for money for the poor.  Recently the Society of Vincent de Paul compiled a list of all of the services that we provided as a parish.  Here is the list:

4          Seminars held on Saturdays each quarter.  Our SVdP volunteers including an attorney, CPA, housing advocate and other volunteers counsel people on how to resolve problems and better their lives.

40        Easter and Christmas Baskets were handed out which provided for a complete holiday meal. We also provided Christmas gifts for families and their children.

144      Bus Tokens – Tokens help people to pay for a bus ride to an interview, job or a doctor’s appointment.  The ride costs $1.25 but we buy for $1.09.

418      Food Bags were given to people who knock on the door and ask for food.  We give them canned items that will help for a few days.  Items that can be heated are best, i.e., red beans, hearty soups, rice, macaroni and cheese, pasta, fruit, and breakfast items including oatmeal, cereal and grits.

$940    Rent – We try to help with a small portion of rent, if possible.  It is very rare for us to pay a full month’s rent.

$1,813   Ozanam Inn – We cook a hot dinner meal monthly from September through May and serve it to approximately 200 grateful people.

2,400 Blessing Bags – Purchased by you at our cost of $.50 to hand to people on the streets asking for a handout.  It contains a bottle of water, energy bar, cheese crackers, a prayer card and a card listing resources on where to get help.

2,962 Snack Packs – These bags help an individual have the equivalent of a lunch meal.  It consists of one sleeve of Saltines, a small can of Vienna sausages, along with a small breakfast bar, health bar, peanut butter crackers, applesauce and/or diced fruit.

74 Utility bills – Many of the poor live in homes that aren’t insulated and are subjected to bills that belie the fact they aren’t using much energy.

30 Rebuild Center meals – Twice monthly a hot lunch is prepared and served to about 225 homeless people.  A hot meal for a homeless person is a real blessing.  When serving the meals, the “clients” always thank you and tell you how much they appreciate it.

976 Vouchers – These people had a bed for the night and didn’t have to sleep on the streets.  There is always a line of people who arrive before 8:00 a.m. on scheduled Tuesday mornings hoping to receive one.

329  pairs of socks, 58 pairs of gloves and over 200 toiletry items were also given out.