“Lord, Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) is a three-part prayer series, rooted in Ignatian spirituality and designed to help women and men learn how to pray. Developed to meet the desire for on-going spiritual growth; for an appropriate response to the call to holiness; and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord, LTMTP offers facilitated faith-sharing prayer communities, in which the Lord, himself, teaches us to pray. A women’s Part 3 group will meet weekly on Tuesdays at St. Henry Church, 803 Gen Pershing, at 10:30am. The first meeting is Tuesday, Sept 10. Sessions are available in all parts for men and women at various locations through the metropolitan area. To register, contact Dianne Caverly at 504-388-3430 or dlcaverly@gmail.com. More information on flyers in church or go to lordteachmetopray.com.