On Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016, Fox will broadcast a live modern-day depiction of Christ’s passion from Woldenberg Park in New Orleans. It will broadcast live from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM and will include a procession of a 20’ illuminated cross through the French Quarter to Woldenberg Park. We, as the Archdiocese of New Orleans, will be helping to promote participation and viewership of the event within our #NOLACatholic community. They are nticipating a crowd of 30,000 to gather along the procession route and in the park!
To participate in the procession and to register for free tickets to Woldenberg Park, please go to thepassion.com/participate.
In addition, The Office of Communications, Catholic Youth Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office, Office of Evangelization, Ecumenical Officer Fr. Buddy Noel, Dumb Ox Ministries, and the staff at St. Louis Cathedral have been working to put together a prayer hour to be held in St. Louis Cathedral after the live event ends (9:00 PM -10:00 PM). This “After The Passion” event will be a time of prayerful reflection after the exciting night. Opportunity for Reconciliation will be available. St. Louis Cathedral will be one of many “gathering spots” around Woldenberg Park that will be open for prayer.
Please help us spread the word about this event so we can have our big #NOLACatholic family come together with people of all faiths to show how we “Encounter Jesus and Witness with Joy!”