From another parish’s bulletin, an instructive reminder
- Remember to keep your Eucharistic fast by abstaining from food and beverages (water excluded) for an hour before Mass.
- Always dress modestly and appropriately. Arrive early to allow for personal prayer and/or read the readings of the day.
Turn off all mobile devices while still in the vestibule. This is your time with God and His people.
Use the restroom before or after Mass. Men remove hats or caps before the Lord.
Deposit all water bottles the waste receptacles.
Make the sign of the cross with Holy Water upon entering.
Genuflect with great reverence towards the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle before entering your pew. If unable to genuflect, a profound bow is respectful.
Refrain from chit-chat which distracts others who are connecting with God through prayer before Mass.
Join the singing and know that singing is praying twice and that singing with others gives great praise to God, which is really why we are gathered here.
Listen to the readings. God is speaking directly to you.
Receive Communion with laser-like attention. We receive Communion, we do not take it. If choosing to receive the Body of Christ in the hand, place the hand you write with under the hand you will receive, in a way, creating a throne for the Lord. A simple bow of the head to the Eucharist is appropriate as a sign of reverence to Christ before receiving.
Don’t forget to make a prayer of thanksgiving after receiving Communion. “There is no prayer more agreeable to God, or more profitable to the soul than that which is made during the thanksgiving after Communion.” (St. Alfonsus Liguori)
Remember that the point of being at Mass is not to see what we can get out of it, but what you can do to praise and worship the Almighty.
And finally, leave church only after the procession has left the altar. Only one person left the Last Supper early”¦