In the first half of the 20th century, communism had gained support from many leaders around the world, and entire nations had succumbed to its ideas. In 1937, Pope Pius XI realized the serious threat that Communism posed to the common good, and called upon St. Joseph to protect the Church from the many errors of Communism.
As a result of the Popes words, Catholics fervently began to pray to St. Joseph, specifically under the title of “Terror of Demons” to combat atheistic ideas of Communism. They also invoked the help of St. Joseph in the cause of workers rights. Both of these issues were major topics of concern in the mid-20th century. The threat of worldwide Communism was felt by everyone, including the Pope.
Pope Pius XII turned to St. Joseph and denounced the falsehoods of Communism by elevating the dignity of workers in a very special way. On May 1, 1955, Pope Pius XII declared May 1 to be the Liturgical Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
St. Joseph, indeed, is a light in the darkness and model of workmen. He brings to light the malice of the enemies of the family. He brings light into the darkness of erroneous movements that seek to strip people of their human dignity and eliminate God from the minds and hearts of families and nations. St. Joseph is the Patron of human dignity. He is the Terror of Demons.”