A special Eucharistic Miracles Morning of Reflection, sponsored by the Catholic Women in Action Committee of the Catholic Community Foundation, will be held on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 A.M. at St. Stephen Church on Napoleon Avenue in New Orleans. Rev. Jeffrey A. Montz, Director of Spiritual Formation and Professor of Theology at Notre Dame Seminary, will celebrate Mass and offer a reflection. Displays of 30 or more of Eucharistic miracles will next be available for viewing. In-person seating for the event is limited and reservations are required. For more information and to R.S.V.P., please contact Kathi Zimmerman at 504.527.5794 or kzimmerman@ccfnola.org.
Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
A special Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit will be in St. Stephen Church June 5 – 13, 2021 during hours when the church is regularly opened for Masses and Eucharistic Adoration (Saturday 3:00pm – 5:30pm, Sunday 7:00am – 12:00pm, Tuesday 4:45pm – 6:45pm). The display includes artwork and information on more than 30 officially recognized Eucharistic Miracles that have occurred across the centuries. For more information contact Phillip Bellini in the rectory office, 504-899-1378 or pbellini@arch-no.org.