For the Greater Glory of God     J.M.J. CCD-Parish School of ReligionOur CCD program for the 2012-2013 school year will begin on Sunday, September 23 at 9:20 A.M. We will begin meeting in Church this year to begin with prayer and then dismiss to classes in the cafeteria. The class will last till 10:20 A. M. The cost this year is $35.00 for the entire year. It's gone up this year because of the books and materials we use going up in cost. We will also be looking for anyone who is interested in teaching in our program so that we might begin to expand to more grade levels. Please contact Phillip Bellini for more details and to Register your child for next years classes. God bless you.Confirmation ProgramATTENTION to all parents who have children in their junior year of Catholic high … [Read more...]
The Feast of the Birth of Mary
September 8, 2009 The earliest document commemorating the feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a hymn from the middle of the sixth century taken from the apocryphal Gospel of St. James. The feast may have originated somewhere in Syria or Palestine in the beginning of the sixth century, when after the Council of Ephesus, when Mary was declared to be the “Mother of God” her pious cult was greatly intensified, especially in Syria. Records of several 8th century sermons by St. Andrew of Crete show the continuation of the feast, but there is not much evidence to show why the September 8th was chosen for its date. It's possible that the date was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. What is known is that the September 8 date helped determine the … [Read more...]
History of the Catholic Church
An “Epic” journey through Church history in a dynamic course beginning in mid-September!Where: Good Shepherd Paris, RectoryWhen: Thursday nights 7-8:30 P.M. beginning September 10.Cost: There is no cost for the course. The workbook will be provided at no charge thanks to a generous patron who donated the books!Contact Phillip Bellini for more informationDo you know your family history? The history of the Church is the story of our family. It is the epic story of our ancestors in the Faith – the heroic men and women who shaped civilization and spread the Gospel throughout the world. Knowing this story is crucial to our identity as Catholics. Just as we would uncover exciting and interesting stories of our ancestors through the study of our family genealogy, we can uncover our Catholic past … [Read more...]
Religious Education News
These are exciting times at Good Shepherd Parish for religious education. Fliers on the table in the back of church will give you all of the details about our new programs, but here are some highlights:CCD - Parish School of ReligionCCD will commence in mid-September for children in grades 1-4 who are not in Catholic school. Classes will take place on Sundays right after the 8am Mass and last until 10:20am. We need volunteer teachers who know their faith! There is no fee for instruction and a generous patron has supplied the books!Confirmation ProgramPreparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will begin in October for all students who are juniors in high school (and not taking part in their high school program). Students will have to attend ten classes, do a service project and attend a … [Read more...]
The Assumption of Mary
Holy Day of Obligation4:00pm Vigil Tuesday, August 146:30am (St Henry) 12:00 PM Wednesday, August 15After her Son's Ascension, Mary aided the beginnings of the Church by her prayers. In her association with the apostles and several women, we also see Mary by her prayers imploring the gift of the Spirit, who had already overshadowed her in the Annunciation. Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son's Resurrection and an … [Read more...]
From the Sexton – September 13, 2009
I would like to thank Mike Diecidue of Dash Lumber for his incredible generosity in donating the materials for the repairs of the Blessed Pauline house, one of our parish properties. By repairing this property ourselves, we are saving ourselves a $20,000 expense that would have come out of the St. Henry Church account. And also, thanks to Bill Richards for donating his time to assist with the painting of the windows in our church. We have begun the scraping and priming, and painting will begin soon. Please pray for Bill and Mike and their families in thanksgiving.We have many projects in the works in our parish, and are hoping to begin more with your help. I am looking for volunteers to assist with some of the painting at our church. I would also like to invite anyone who may feel called … [Read more...]
Thank You
Good Shepherd Parish is very grateful for the faculty and students of St. Stephen's School who collected a large amount of canned good during their recent food drive. That food will be very useful in providing for the needs of the poorest members of our parish during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. … [Read more...]
Pro-Life Workshop
On Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. we will conduct a pro-life workshop in the cafeteria of St. Stephen Central School. The Sidewalk Heroes workshop is designed to help churches, groups and individuals feel better equipped to be on the sidewalk in front of an abortion mill. This workshop is geared for anyone going out on the sidewalk – whether to participate as a “prayer warrior” or as a counselor – but it can also be a great source of information for individuals who strongly believe in the pro-life movement but have never worked “in the trenches.”The workshop is faith-based, 3 hours long, and is packed with good information. The information includes the basics of abortion techniques; specific physical, emotion and spiritual consequences of abortions; who is typically seen going … [Read more...]
Welcome to our new Director of Religious Education and our new Building Manager ("Sexton")It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that the parish has hired two new full-time employees. They are Phillip Bellini and Liam Cousino. Phillip comes to Good Shepherd Parish after having worked for the last six years at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Kenner. While there he was directly in charge of the CCD program, the RCIA program, Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation (for the church and school) and Adult Religious formation. Phillip has a virtually every certification from the Archdiocese of New Orleans to serve as a DRE and a catechist. Some of you may know that Phillip was responsible for bringing the Vatican Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles to the … [Read more...]