Catholic Campaign for Human Development

A Statement from Most Rev. Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans At the most recent meeting of the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops, Bishop Roger Morin gave a report on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and addressed the concerns of some people regarding the use of funds to support effectively the mission of the church. The grants are carefully reviewed. No group who opposes Catholic teachings is eligible for funds. If a group violates the conditions of the grant, funding is immediately terminated. Careful attention has been given to this matter. … [Read more...]

Thanks to Our “Spirit Givers”

Their generous contributions made it possible to have such a beautiful reminder of our faith on top of the tallest steeple in New Orleans. Many gave “In Memory” of someone else, so here is the list of the names that will be on the cross: Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ballard, IIIIn Memory of the Bergeron & Boudreaux FamiliesPhilip & Ella BoudreauxKathy, Molly & Katie BurnsMatalin & Emma CarvilleRobert & Druscilla CharleboisThe Chisesi FamilyIn Memory of Mae Colgan ClementinoThe Howell Crosby FamilyRonnie DemilioIn Memory of Louis J. Derbes, C.M.Martin FeldmanDr. & Mrs. Norman FrancisArthemise GalleJoyce GrienerIn Memory of Mary & Jimmie HanemannHunter P. Harris & FamilyLucy M. LaBella Ronald & Mary Ellen LeggioMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Liljeberg, Sr.In Memory of … [Read more...]

Upcoming Parish Events

Saturday, May 28, 2010 at 7:00pmLive performance of Damien, one man play by Aldyth Morris.  New Orleans native Casey Groves will perform the play at St. Henry Church for the benefit of the poor parishioners of St. Bernard Parish affected by the oil spill.  Adults $15, children $5. Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 10:30amCorpus Christi Mass and Eucharistic Procession.  Exhibition of Vatican Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles.Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 6:00pm“Grace Before Meals” presentation by Father Leo Patalingug of Food Network fame.If you can help with set-up, organization, ideas, food, drinks or even moral support (!) for these parish events, please contact the parish office (899-1378) or Kathy Fayard (, Phillip Bellini (, Renee Torina … [Read more...]

Adoration at Good Shepherd Parish

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,  and I will give you rest.  (Mt. 11:28) There are now two opportunities to participate in Eucharistic Adoration in our parish. Every Tuesday, there is a Holy Hour from 5:00-6:00pm in the church prior to the 6:00pm Mass. Now there is a new Holy Hour every Thursday from 7:00-8:00am in the Rectory chapel immediately following the 6:30am Mass. … [Read more...]

Next Sunday is Mission Sunday!

Excerpts from the MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVIFOR THE 83rd WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 2009 On this Sunday, dedicated to the missions, I turn first of all to you, my brothers in the episcopal and the priestly ministry, and then to you, my brothers and sisters, the whole People of God, to encourage in each one of you a deeper awareness of Christ's missionary mandate to "make disciples of all peoples" (Mt 28:19), in the footsteps of Saint Paul, the Apostle of the nations. "The nations will walk in its light" (Rev 21:24). The goal of the Church's mission is to illumine all peoples with the light of the Gospel as they journey through history towards God, so that in Him they may reach their full potential and fulfilment. We should have a longing and a passion to illumine all peoples with the … [Read more...]

Rev. William Farge, S.J.

Rev. William Farge, S.J. is our guest celebrant for the 4:00pm Vigil Mass and the 10:30am Sunday Mass. As an undergraduate at Loyola in the late 1960's, then Mr. Farge was very interested in learning about foreign languages and cultures. Upon graduation, he sought admission into the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and requested to be sent to Japan to learn about that country's culture and language. Father Farge, S.J, completed his theological studies for the priesthood in Tokyo, Japan, and was ordained a priest in 1978. He subsequently taught English and religion at Jesuit high schools in Hiroshima and Kobe, Japan from 1978 to 1990. Father Farge returned to the States in 1998 and has taught courses in Japanese literature and language to a receptive student body. While teaching at … [Read more...]

From the Sexton – October 11, 2009

I would like to invite any parishoners to join us next Saturday October 17 for a workday preparing the first floor meeting room at the Blessed Pauline house for our upcoming All Saints Day party and for use for future parish events. I am also looking for volunteers to assist with the painting and many of the other projects ongoing in our beautiful church. Please contact me at or at the parish office 899-1378. … [Read more...]


Please join us at Good Shepherd Parish for Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacramentevery Tuesday at 5:00pmand Thursday mornings at 7am. Click here for a map of Adoration Chapels throughout the Archdiocese of New Orleans. … [Read more...]

St. Vincent de Paul

Feast Day, September 27Patron of Charitable SocietiesBorn in 1581 into a farming family in Pouy, France, Vincent's initial desire to be a priest was mainly for social advancement and monetary gain. Through a process of careful planning and being in the right place at the right time, Vincent was ordained a priest at the ripe age of nineteen by an elderly bishop who could barely see or hear.Beginning his ordained life with less than pure motives, Vincent's change of heart began in the middle of one of his visits to the poor tenants of a wealthy estate holder. When Vincent was called to hear the confession of a dying man, the spiritual naiveté of the penitent shocked Vincent. The poor man knew next to nothing about his religion. Not long after, Vincent preached a sermon on general confession … [Read more...]

A Message from Archbishop Aymond

A Message from the Most Reverend Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New OrleansJune 17, 2010 Archbishop expresses gratitude to legislators for declaring Day of Prayer for Oil Spill Recovery We thank the legislators for declaring this Sunday a Day of Prayer. This is a public sign of our humble dependence upon God.  Our hearts and prayers go out to those who were killed in the explosion. Likewise we offer prayerful consolation to their families and friends. The oil spill has very challenging affects on many people in our community, especially the fishing industry, oil industry and related works. We also need to be attentive to the impact on our environment and economy.  We ask God to reassure us and to walk with us in this very challenging time. We pray that: we may not lose hope, we … [Read more...]