Catholic Men's FellowshipPresents“Faith and Finances According to God's Plan”Keynote Speaker:Â Phil Lenahan After years with an international accounting firm and as a financial executive for a Fortune 300 company, Phil left the commercial marketplace with a passion to help others understand how God wants us to manage our finances by the tenets of our Catholic faith. Saturday, October 30, 2010St. Anthony of Padua Church – 4640 Canal Street9:00am – 12:30pmCoffee and donuts at 8:15am. Holy MassThe Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond CelebrantSacramental Confession will be available. … [Read more...]
In Our Parish
Good Shepherd Parish frequently receives calls from “parishioners” to have their children baptized, get a school voucher, get married or serve as a godparent. In order for the parish to agree to these things, the person must be a “registered” and “contributing” parishioner. This isn't our rule, it's the rule of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Obviously, all of your information is kept in strict confidence by the parish. So let's make sure that we all know: To be “registered” at Good Shepherd Parish means that (1) you have completed a parish census form or have registered online at, (2) you use parish envelopes or checks for donations. … [Read more...]
Clarion Herald
In its Aug. 21 issue, the Clarion Herald would like to publish personal, spiritual reflections from parishioners about the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. They are looking for short reflections of no more than 250 words. Possible questions for reflection:1. What have been your lasting memories of Katrina?2. How have you managed to rebuild?3. Are you still struggling to make sense of the loss?4. What has motivated you to remain a faithful Catholic?5. What lessons have you learned?Deadline: Tuesday, August 10, noon.Please send reflections to: … [Read more...]
A Tasty Fundraiser
New Orleans Ladies of CharityPresent a Tasty Fundraiser Gourmet Dinner for 6Skillfully prepared by Msgr. Christopher H. Nalty(date scheduled by the winner and Msgr. Nalty)Donation $10.00Tickets available after each weekend Mass July 24-25, July 31-August 1 & August 7-8.Drawing after the 10:30am Mass on August 15, 2010(Winner need not be present to win, but it can't hurt!) … [Read more...]
Good Church Etiquette
From another parish's bulletin, an instructive reminder Remember to keep your Eucharistic fast by abstaining from food and beverages (water excluded) for an hour before Mass. Always dress modestly and appropriately. Arrive early to allow for personal prayer and/or read the readings of the day.Turn off all mobile devices while still in the vestibule. This is your time with God and His people.Use the restroom before or after Mass. Men remove hats or caps before the Lord.Deposit all water bottles the waste receptacles.Make the sign of the cross with Holy Water upon entering. Genuflect with great reverence towards the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle before entering your pew. If unable to genuflect, a profound bow is respectful.Refrain from chit-chat which distracts others who are … [Read more...]
Thank You!
Thanks to all who donated items to the raffle held at the Grace Under Fire celebration two weeks ago! Theresa Martin, Dan and Dana LeBlanc, Mimi Gorman, Allison Thomas, Dixie Williams, Mignon Faget, Jean Jens, La Petite Grocery (Chef Justin Devillier), Hey! Café (Greg Rodrigue & Thomas LeBlanc), Jezebel's Art & Antiques, the Emeril Lagasse Foundation, Cindy St. Raymond, Dr. & Mrs. Frank Schmidt, and Southern Hospitality Catering (John Rowland). … [Read more...]
Some Stages of Fatherhood
I included this little item in the bulletin last year, and in reading it this year, it became a little more poignant for me. It might be a little corny, but it reminded me a little of my Dad, who served as my deacon last year on this date 4 years: My Daddy can do anything!7 years: My Dad knows a lot”¦a whole lot.9 years: My Father does not know quite everything.12 years: Oh well, my Father doesn't know that either.14 years: My Father is really old-fashioned.21 years: Oh man – he's really out of date!25 years: He knows something about it, but not much.30 years: I need to find out what Dad thinks about it.35 years: Before we decide, let's get Dad's idea first.55 years: I wonder what would Dad have thought about that?65 years: My Dad literally knew everything!75 years: I wish I could talk … [Read more...]
Volunteers Needed for Exhibit on Miracles!
Volunteers are needed to be in the church while it is open for the Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit. The times will be on Saturday from 9:00am until 3:00pm and on Sunday from 12:00 noon until 5:00pm. We are asking volunteers to stay 2 hours on Saturday and 2 ½ hours on Sunday. There will be a sign-up sheet in the back of church this weekend, or you can call the rectory for more info! … [Read more...]
Eucharistic Procession!
All are invited to participate in a Eucharistic Procession immediately following the 10:30am Mass next weekend. The procession will exit the Church, turn right on Napoleon Avenue and then go around the school and the church before returning into the church for Benediction. It will be lead by a crucifer, and we will chant Eucharistic hymns as we bring carry Jesus in the Holy Eucharist throughout our neighborhood, after which we will have a fish fry and serve snow balls for young and old! We would like to invite First Communicants and young children (K-4th) to wear white attire to lead the procession. Please meet in the front of the church near the confessional immediately after the 10:30am Mass and we will direct you. Either bring your own decorated basket for rose petals, or one will … [Read more...]