There has been one thing for which I have received the most complaints since I have been here at Good Shepherd Parish: our sound system. It is something that one usually takes for granted, and it has become a thorn in my side. One of the most important things that a pastor does is to preach the Sunday Mass, and your not being able to hear me makes my job very very difficult! After dealing with a variety of expert and inexpert technicians, I finally got in touch with the company that installed the system, and they came out to inspect it several weeks ago. They made some adjustments and checked the wiring, but some of the original components have been removed or replaced. With an eye toward restoring or replacing the entire system, they are coming out again on Friday. If there is no … [Read more...]
Help the Poor of Our Parish!
Over the last several months, we have experienced a large increase in the number of requests for financial assistance. We provide assistance in the form of help with electricity and rent bills, canned goods and small gift cards to area food stores. Since Lent is a season to practice almsgiving, please consider making donations at the St. Anthony Statue on the right rear of the church, or by increasing your offerings in the envelopes. There are a lot of poor people in our area, and Jesus told us: “to whom much has been given, much will be expected.” Whatever we do for the poor of our parish, we do for Jesus. Thank you! … [Read more...]
Latin Mass Parts for Lent
As I mentioned in the bulletin and at Mass several weeks ago, we will start using some of the Latin Mass parts in our Lenten Sunday Masses. On the opposite page are those parts. They are the “Sanctus” (Holy, Holy, Holy), the “Mysterium Fidei” (the Mystery of Faith) and the “Agnus Dei” (the Lamb of God). Many of the older members of the parish will be quite familiar with the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei, if not the Mysterium Fidei, but everyone will find that they are very easy to chant, once you get used to it.As I wrote in that earlier bulletin article, the Mass was song almost exclusively in Latin from the earliest days of the Church, and certainly from the 3rd and 4th centuries.  In the middle of last century, Mass in the “vernacular” (the common, local language) began to be … [Read more...]
Saturday Vigil at 4:00pmSunday at 8:00am and 10:30am Weekdays (Monday -Friday)6:30am in St. Henry Church 6:00pm Mass Tuesdays in the Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday 4:45pm - 5:45pm Thursday morning 7:00am - 8:00am     … [Read more...]
Many younger Catholics don't remember when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated entirely in Latin. Some older ones remember those days, either fondly or frustratingly! Because the issue of the “Latin Mass” seems to be in the secular news from time to time, I thought I would discuss it briefly here in our bulletin. I want to focus on three things: (1) the “language” of the Mass; (2) the changes in the Mass since the Second Vatican Council; and (3) the current state of the “Latin Mass.”First of all, let's discuss “language.” Jesus Christ and his followers probably spoke a version of the Aramaic language. But they all probably had some working knowledge of both Greek and Latin because they lived in one of the world's crossroads, where merchants and soldiers who spoke those … [Read more...]
Saturday Vigil at 4:00pmSunday at 8:00am and 10:30am Weekdays (Monday -Friday)6:30am in Rectory Chapel 6:00pm Mass Tuesdays in the Churchpreceded by a Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament beginning at 5:00pm  … [Read more...]
Parish History
Good Shepherd Parish was formed in October 2008 by merging together three parishes: St. Stephen, St. Henry and Our Lady of Good Counsel. The boundaries of the new parish go from Seventh Street to Leontine Street, and from Carondelet to the Mississippi. All three of the merged parishes have long and interesting histories. As time goes on, this page will be updated with more information and photos showing the long heritage of the Catholic Church in Uptown New Orleans. St. Stephen Catholic Church 1025 Napoleon Avenue The parish of St. Stephen's was established in 1849. Bishop Blanc gave it to the Vincentian Fathers to serve the large German settlement in this area. Mass was first said in the parishioner's homes until a very simple church was built in 1850. The parish … [Read more...]
Daily Mass at St. Henry Church
Beginning Friday, June 15, 2012, the daily 6:30 am Mass at Good Shepherd Parish has been moved to St. Henry church, located a block toward the river at 921 General Pershing. … [Read more...]
Our 2011 Eucharistic Procession
In a real sense, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is our most “Catholic” celebration of the year. We share a belief in One God with our Jewish and Muslim brothers, and we share many of the same Feasts (Christmas and Easter) with other Christian communities; however only the Catholic Church has a special Feast Day when we proudly proclaim the belief that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. And only the Catholic Church has the “audacity” to proclaim that Faith by processing through the streets carrying Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! Thanks to all who participated in making last Sunday a wonderful day, especially Kathy Fayard, who coordinated the day. Kathy writes: “Thanks to Kevin Bastian, Francis Cazayoux, Jim Mours and Chad … [Read more...]