Holy Communion

This Sunday's Gospel passage marks the beginning of the “Bread of Life” discourse from the 6th chapter of John's Gospel, a chapter we'll read in its entirety over the course of the next five weeks. This week begins with the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, which makes up the first fifteen verses of chapter 6. It's a miracle that prepares the followers of Jesus for the words to follow. By revealing that He has the ability to perform miraculous acts, Jesus presents Himself as someone to be believed. But He doesn't want His followers to settle for earthly food. Over the course of the discourse, Jesus calls His disciples to a greater reality: the reality that God has come among them and desires to bring them into communion with Him. Jesus recognizes and attends to the earthly … [Read more...]

Paul Nalty, R.I.P. – 7/28/1936 – 7/16/2009

I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who extended condolences to me and my family upon the sad occasion of the death of my Dad. I am particularly grateful to those who have prayed for us, those who have offered Masses for Dad, and for those who attended the funeral on Tuesday. Had he been here in person, Dad would have been very humbled by the attendance of two Archbishops, an auxiliary Bishop, an Abbot, over fifty priests, as well as scores of deacons and over 1000 religious and lay faithful who were in attendance. The photo of Dad above is the entirely of the cropped photo that was used for the newspaper obituary. It was taken only three months ago, and it shows Dad posing for a photo that he wanted to send to a priest-friend of mine from Pittsburgh. Dad's the guy on … [Read more...]

Under Construction

During the months of June and July, St. Stephen School will be undergoing renovations, among which is the removal of asbestos insulation.  For that reason, we will be unable to use the school for any summer activities. Also, parking in the schoolyard will be limited. I would kindly ask that the limited parking places in the schoolyard be reserved to our handicapped parishioners in need of the ramp. … [Read more...]

Building Projects

The church building is a concrete sign of the Church community, formed from the "living stones" who are the believers, an image very dear to the Apostles. St Peter (cf. I Pt 2: 4-5) and St Paul (cf. Eph 2: 20-22) emphasize how the "cornerstone" of this spiritual temple is Christ and that, united to him and well compact, we are also called to participate in the building of this living temple.If God therefore takes the initiative to come and dwell among men and it is always he who is the principal author of this project, then it is true that he also does not want to accomplish it without our active collaboration.Thus, to prepare oneself for Christmas means to be committed to building the "dwelling of God with men". No one is excluded; everyone can and must contribute in order to make this … [Read more...]

Take me out to the Ballgame!

On Friday, June 5 at 7:00 p.m., Msgr. Nalty has scheduled the Zephyr's game as the first outing for the altar servers of the parish, and wants to make it into a parish outing. He's already spoken with Father John Arnone, and it will be a joint outing with both of our parishes! Tickets are $8 each and can be reserved by signing the sheet on the back table or calling the parish office. We need to preorder tickets by May 19 at the latest, so MONDAY is the LAST DAY to SIGN-UP! … [Read more...]

Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity

Excerpt from DECREE ON THE APOSTOLATE OF THE LAITY APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED BY HIS HOLINESS, POPE PAUL VI ON NOVEMBER 18, 1965 The Church was founded for the purpose of spreading the kingdom of Christ throughout the earth for the glory of God the Father, to enable all men to share in His saving redemption, and that through them the whole world might enter into a relationship with Christ. All activity of the Mystical Body directed to the attainment of this goal is called the apostolate, which the Church carries on in various ways through all her members. For the Christian vocation by its very nature is also a vocation to the apostolate. No part of the structure of a living body is merely passive but has a share in the functions as well as life of the body: so, … [Read more...]


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President Obama & Notre Dame?

Many of you know that I am a 1984 graduate of the University of Notre Dame.  And many of you know a little about the controversy surrounding Notre Dame's invitation to President Obama to be the speaker and to receive an honorary law degree at this year's graduation ceremony.  Since you're reading about it at other places, I thought I might address it here.Many people are justifiably happy that race relations in the United States are at the point where our country can elect a minority as President.  And President Obama brings many important gifts to that office, most particularly his intellect, his education, his eloquence and his ability to inspire people.  But President Obama's policies on the important issues of human life are inconsistent with basic principles of natural law – that … [Read more...]

Lift High the Cross!

As the cross is being raised, a final thanks to our “Spirit Givers”! Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ballard, III, In Memory of the Bergeron & Boudreaux Families, Philip & Ella Boudreaux, Kathy, Molly & Katie Burns, Matalin & Emma Carville, Robert & Druscilla Charlebois, The Chisesi Family, In Memory of Mae Colgan Clementino, The Howell Crosby Family, Ronnie Demilio, In Memory of Louis J. Derbes, C.M., Martin Feldman, Dr. & Mrs. Norman Francis, Arthemise Galle, Joyce Griener, In Memory of Mary & Jimmie Hanemann, Hunter P. Harris & Family, Lucy M. LaBella, Ronald & Mary Ellen Leggio, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Liljeberg, Sr., In Memory of Garrett & Claire Martin, McNamara & McAuliffe Families, Patricia & David Mitchell, Superintendent & Mrs. Henry … [Read more...]

St. Patrick’s Day Party!

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Rectory As most of you know, one of the traditions of the “Irish Channel” in Uptown New Orleans is a St. Patrick's Day parade. The parade takes place on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 beginning at 12:30pm, and passes right in front of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church.  In keeping with a tradition, Good Shepherd Parish is sponsoring a St. Patrick's Day party to take place in the garden of the rectory, which is located adjacent to OLGC at 1307 Louisiana Avenue. The party will go from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm, and I am told that the party has another tradition of good food and beverages! Volunteers are asked to email Barbara Fortier at barbaraf13@aol.com.  Donations will be accepted at the party, and the proceeds will support the ministry of Good Shepherd Parish.  … [Read more...]