December 22, 2013 – 4th Sunday of Advent

A picture is painted for each of us concerning the transition from Old Testament to New. We are able to see the thread running from one to the other. A Savior will come forth from David. It was prophesied, it was spoken, and it was done. Paul brings this picture into our reality as he did in his own reality. We are reminded of our own call to apostleship in Baptism, our responsibility to bring the faith to all the Gentiles and of our call to be holy. The Gospel portrays how “God centered” Joseph and Mary were in the manner they responded to God. Mary responded in the affirmative when asked to become the Mother of Jesus. Joseph, ever ready to protect Mary, is able to believe and act on advice from an angel of the Lord.  Are we that “God centered”? … [Read more...]

Typhoon Relief Donations

All of you are aware of the massive destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. While Archbishop Aymond is not calling for a special 2nd collection, pastors are asked to please announce that anyone who would like to donate can send their Typhoon Haiyan Relief donations to Archbishop Aymond’s attention at the chancery, 7887 Walmsley Ave. New Orleans, LA 70125. Archbishop Aymond will send the donations to the bishops in the Philippines. … [Read more...]

Don’t Forget to Register!

Is Good Shepherd “your” Parish? Good Shepherd Parish frequently receives calls from “parishioners” to have their children baptized, get a school voucher, get married or serve as a godparent.  In order for the parish to agree to these things, you must be a “registered” and “contributing” parishioner. This isn't our rule; it's the rule of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. All information is kept in strict confidence by the parish. To be “registered” at Good Shepherd Parish means that (1) you have completed a parish census form or have registered online , (2) you use parish envelopes or checks for donations. And now we've made it easier for you. You can now register online. Just click here. It's free, and we promise not to SPAM you. But we will occasionally keep you informed of … [Read more...]

Extrordinary Volunteers Needed

There are many special volunteers who help us each week to accomplish the details of managing our parish activities and provide the many services requested by our parishioners and needy neighbors. Please consider becoming one of our valued volunteers! Our greatest needs at this time are Ushers and we would like to have Greeters to welcome parishioners and visitors prior to each Mass. We will be needing additional volunteers to help prepare the Church for Christmas! For more details on any of the above, please call Dixie at the rectory 899-1378.   … [Read more...]

Pilgrimage Thanks!

Thanks to all who prayed for me and my pilgrims during our pilgrimage to Rome last week. It was a truly blessed experience for all of us, and I carried all of your intentions to the Tombs of those great Apostles, Sts. Peter and Paul. Particularly blessed were we to celebrate Mass in so many holy places including the Basilica of St. Peter, the Catacombs of St. Priscilla, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Santa Maria della Libera in Aquino (the village of St. Thomas Aquinas), the Pontifical North American College and the private Chapel of the Swiss Guards in the Vatican. Good Shepherd Parish was remembered at each Mass by name. One of the most important parts of our trip was attending the weekly General Audience of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis. His gentle, pastoral style was so heart warming, and … [Read more...]

Archdiocese of New Orleans Social Media

Many of you may not be aware that the Archdiocese of New Orleans has a very active social media presence. Almost everyone is aware of the updated Archdiocese of New Orleans website at but did you know that we are on Facebook and Twitter as well? Please “Like” the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans on Facebook. You may also want to “Like” the following related Facebook pages: Archbishop Gregory Aymond Archdiocese of New Orleans Young Adult Ministry Black Catholics of New Orleans NOLA Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans New Orleans Catholic Schools NOLA Vocations - Info for Men and Women Notre Dame Hospice Project Lazarus You can also “Follow” us on Twitter: @archdioceseofno @catholiccharitiesNO @2ndharvestGNOA … [Read more...]

Theology on Tap

The CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office announces the next Theology on Tap series, to take place on Tuesdays in October 2013, at the Irish House in New Orleans. Each Tuesday will present a different speaker speaking on a relevant contemporary theological topic, and the Irish House has some great taps to share.  The evening begins at 6:30pm, and the speaker start at 7:00pm. … [Read more...]

Right to Life 2014 Calendar for Sale

Respect Life Sunday will be observed on the weekend of October 5, 2013 and October 6, 2013. The CYO or another parish organization will be selling the 2014 Right to Life Calendars that weekend. The calendars cost $5.00. For more information contact Jan Delcorral at (504) 952-7277. … [Read more...]

Scheduling Prayer in the Home

1. At the beginning of every meal, giving thanks for the company at the table and for the food, is most appropriate. Allowing “Grace before Meals” or a prayer made up by one of the members teaches the children prayer is necessary in our lives and can be personalized. 2. Saying “The Morning Offering” each morning as a family unites the family for the day. 3. Praying the Rosary as a family bolsters the unity of the family. It also provides a forum for teaching the Mysteries of the Rosary as well as Scripture. 4. Just as each morning the family gathers to recite the “Morning Offering,” the family can gather at the end of each day to give thanks to God for the blessings they have received. During this time, they can share one blessing for which they are most grateful. … [Read more...]

Getting Back to the Table!

The dining table over the years has taken on a different purpose than originally designed. It has become the “dropping off zone” for assorted things coming into the house. When it’s time to eat, we grab a plate, get the comfortable place on the sofa and eat off a T.V. tray. Losing the dining table as a place to gather and share a meal as a family is not all that is lost. Spending quality time with one’s family, utilizing the time to share the experiences of the day, gives the family the opportunity to bond with one another. Additionally, table time with the family opens opportunities to educate in faith and life. Before starting what can be shared at the table, it will help to understand the dining table as one of the most important “tools” in the home. It may not be the place … [Read more...]