Knocking on Heaven’s Door – St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi will host, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” on Saturday, August 4, 2018, at 9:30 AM in the Lycee Francais Cafeteria, 5951 Patton St., New Orleans. Free parking is available in the lot behind the building. Speaker topics include: End of Life Decision Making - Sister Marie Noel of Notre Dame Hospice; Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning - Gregory S. LaCour of Blue Williams, LLP; and Charitable Giving Considerations - Josephine Everly of The Catholic Foundation. Informational Booths by Catholic Cemeteries, Christopher Homes, St. Francis of Assisi Respect Life Committee, and SFA Senior Associates. Snacks and refreshments provided by SFA Senior Associates. Free and Open to the Public. For more information call 504-227-3766 or … [Read more...]

One Flesh

The desire to love and be loved is the deepest need of our being.  We long to be known, accepted, and cherished by another. Yet, the ability to fully give or receive this love is unattainable on our own. As Catholics we believe Jesus Christ has entered our broken world to conquer sin and restore us to new life. Throughout every age he continues to invite all women and men to follow him through his Church, to whom he has entrusted his teaching authority, so that all can know and follow him. Only God can give us the unconditional love and acceptance that we desire. Yet, he has created marriage, a holy union, to mirror this supreme love on earth. At the heart of their married love is the total gift of self that husband and wife freely offer to each other. Because of their sexual … [Read more...]

Prayer for Religious Liberty

Almighty God, Father of all nations, for freedom you have set us free in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1). We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice and the common good.  Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties. By your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land. We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our patroness, and in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. St. Thomas More, pray for us St. John Fisher, pray for us St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, pray for us Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for us … [Read more...]

Retrouvaille Weekend for Troubled Marriages

Retrouvaille is a program designed to provide help and support to married couples who are undergoing difficulties in their relationship. Sponsored by the Catholic Church, Retrouvaille is open to couples of all faiths. It has proven helpful to couples who are troubled and stressed, or if the relationship has grown cold and distant. The next Retrouvaille Weekend will be July 6-8, 2018, at the William J. Kelly Retreat Center in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. For additional information or to have information mailed to you contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life at 504-861-6243 or see the website at … [Read more...]

Peter’s Pence Collection: Be a Witness of Charity

  Peter's Pence is the annual collection to benefit the charitable works of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who calls us to be attentive to the voices of those on the margins and respond joyfully to their needs. Participation in this collection gives each parishioner the opportunity to become a witness to charity, a force of mercy that reaches out to those around the world. The collection will be taken up in the Archdiocese of New Orleans on the weekend of May 19-20, 2018. … [Read more...]

Hope and Healing After Abortion

The May Respect Life Gathering, Hope & Healing after Abortion, will be held on Monday May 7, 2018, at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church Seelos Center, 2030 Constance ST in NOLA at 6:30 PM with Pam Richard, Rachel’s Vineyard team member presenting. All are welcome. … [Read more...]

2018 World Day of Prayer for Vocations

April 22, 2018 Today the Church throughout the world prays for vocations. Will you make a special effort to ask the Lord for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life? Pray for the priests who have ministered to you throughout your life, both living and dead. Keep our parish priests in your prayers throughout the week. Encourage your children, grandchildren, or other young people to consider a vocation as a priest or religious brother or sister. Pray a rosary for more young men and women in our diocese to respond to God’s call. … [Read more...]

St. Joseph Altar THANKS!

Thanks to the decorators, the cooks, the servers, the runners, the cleaners and everyone who played such a tremendous role in making the Solemnity of St. Joseph such a great success and a very happy day for all! This year was even better than last year!  We served over 1600 people.  Thanks for a great day! Special thanks to our “Century Club” donors:  American Legion Post 307, Jim & Tammy Austin, John Bellini (Bell Foods), Loretta Berning, Becky Brocato, Michel & Marth Butterworth, Mary A. Burke, Kevin Centanni, Greg Ford, Hunter & Barbara Harris, A.J. & Mary Lazaro, Berry & Mel Miller, Grace Novale, Earl & Gail Paddock, Rouses Supermarket, Harold & Dianne Ryan, the Simon Family, Dudley Vandenborre and Mary Youngblood. … [Read more...]

Pics of St. Joseph Cookie Making

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St. Joseph Altar Cookies

Sunday March 4, 2018 Thanks to all who brought bags of flour and sugar and Crisco, and placing them in the large wooden box at the entrance of the church! In preparation for the St. Joseph Altar on Monday, March 19, we will begin making the traditional Italian cookies this Sunday.  Anyone who would like to learn how to prepare these delicacies is asked to go to: St. Stephen School on Sunday, March 4 after the 10:30am Mass. It’s a real family affair, and an instruction in the traditions of so many of our parishioners of Italian heritage!   For more details, contact Hunter Harris at 417-6066. … [Read more...]