Lord Teach Me To Pray

“Lord, Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) is a three-part prayer series, rooted in Ignatian spirituality and designed to help women and men learn how to pray.  Developed to meet the desire for on-going spiritual growth; for an appropriate response to the call to holiness; and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord, LTMTP offers facilitated faith-sharing prayer communities, in which the Lord, himself, teaches us to pray.  A women’s Part 3 group will meet weekly on Tuesdays at St. Henry Church, 803 Gen Pershing, at 10:30am.  The first meeting is Tuesday, Sept 10.  Sessions are available in all parts for men and women at various locations through the metropolitan area.  To register, contact Dianne Caverly at 504-388-3430 or dlcaverly@gmail.com.  More information on flyers in church or go to … [Read more...]

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

At the conclusion of today’s gospel, we hear Jesus tell a “great crowd” that “...anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” A few of Jesus’ immediate disciples, such as Peter, John and James, did just that: They responded to Jesus’ call, renouncing everything to follow him. How do modern disciples of Jesus respond when confronted with this apparently harsh command of Jesus? Surely the renunciation of possessions need not mean literally giving all one’s possessions away, does it? Questions we might ponder this week though: Do our possessions keep us from encountering Christ at Mass? Do they distract us from our parish family? Do our possessions interfere with our relationships? Do they make us insensitive to those less fortunate? … [Read more...]

Employment Opportunity

A faithful parishioner of our parish has gotten to the age where his doctor has recommended that he no longer drive his car. As such, he is looking for someone living in our parish to serve as a driver and cook.  If you are interested, please contact the parish office, and we will put you in contact with him to discuss financial arrangements. He’s looking for someone might be semi-retired or retired, and he has his own car. Thank you! … [Read more...]

THANK YOU, Brother Knights!

From the Knights of Columbus: On behalf of the Knights of Columbus Council, I want to thank Msgr. Nalty for allowing the Knights to conduct the Lenten Fish Fry at The Mother Pauline Center. Thanks to all the parishioners that came to the fish fry in support of our fund raising event. And to the volunteers who gave of their time and talents to prepare, cook and clean up for these meals: A HEARTY THANK YOU! We are truly blessed by the number of people who come forward to make these events the success that they are.  Of the monies raised one-half will go to The K.C. Youth Expansion Program (YEP). The second half goes to Good Shepherd Parish. A check for $1,338.47 was presented to Msgr. Nalty following the 8:00 AM mass on Sunday May 19.   … [Read more...]

Congratulations to Maria Brady and Kate Mascari!

Archbishop Aymond will present the Order of St. Louis IX Medallion to our parishioners Maria Brady and Kate Mascari on Sunday, May 19, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. in St. Joseph Church.  The Order of St. Louis IX award was established more than 40 years ago to honor those members of the laity who have contributed their time and talents to the church. Even if you don’t know Marie and Kate, you surely know of their work!  They are two of our most diligent rectory volunteers.  Both of them help us with the collection counting.  Kate is also involved with the Society of St Vincent de Paul, and Maria helps with our sacramental registers.  “Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” (Mt 25:40). … [Read more...]


It's a free email program that will guide you on an incredible journey toward the-best-version-of-yourself. From Ash Wednesday to Easter, you’ll discover ways to transform your life in forty days. Coming soon to Good Shepherd Parish… … [Read more...]

Dream Event

February 6, 2019 GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM DREAMING BEGINS AT 7:00 PM The Dream Event is a 90 minute dream exercise, led by Executive Coach and Dream Manager Tony Ferraro. Discover your personal dreams. Experience energy and inspiration from others’ dreams. “Dream storm” powerful ideas for the future of our faith community. We need you. We hope you and your dreams will join us for this wonderful event. REGISTER ONLINE AT: DynamicCatholic.com/Imagine The Dream Event is Free. Everyone is invited. … [Read more...]

ANO Retreat Center-Men’s Retreat

The Archdiocese of New Orleans Retreat Center in Metairie will hold a Men's Retreat on October 19- 21, 2018, with Fr. Joe Kraft presenting on the theme, "Man Up! Living Our Call to Discipleship and Holiness." This is the only retreat currently scheduled there for men, as the retreat center's weekend group retreats are open to women during most of the year. For more information, call Lou Piazza at 504-628-6593. … [Read more...]

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Msgr. Nalty with Mother Teresa in in 1996. Sometimes I tell stories in my homilies about the summer that I spent working in Calcutta with the Missionaries of Charity. Saint Teresa of Calcutta used to have a little card that she gave to people she met. She called it her “business card.” I’ve reproduced one she gave to me after I worked in Calcutta one summer: It’s nice having her autograph, but that’s not the point. The point is how she connects silence to prayer to faith to love to service to peace. We all want peace. Mother Teresa provided me that recipe. … [Read more...]

Symbols of the Eucharist (5 of 5)

The Chalice with the Host is one of the most recognized symbols of the Eucharist because it portrays an image that is very familiar to those who attend Mass. By showing the Host above the Chalice, we are reminded of the moment at Mass when the priest elevates the Chalice and Host and proclaims the words of St. John the Baptist: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.” It is interesting that this symbol does not visibly portray the priest, who is called at this moment to echo other words of St. John the Baptist: “I must decrease, and He must increase.” At this moment of the Mass, the attention is focused on Jesus, really and truly present in the Sacred Species of bread and wine. … [Read more...]