2019 Corpus Christi Pics

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Diaconal Ordinations

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, at 10:00 AM at St. Louis Cathedral, we will ordain Sylvester Ugbada Adoga, Luis Carlos Duarte Gonza?lez, Kesiena Dennis Obienu, Luis Carlos Valencia Osorio and John Daniel Yike to the Transitional Diaconate for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. You are cordially invited to attend the ceremony. … [Read more...]

St Michael, the Archangel Prayer

Beginning September 15, 2018, we will say the St Michael, the Archangel Prayer after all of the Masses at St. Stephen and St. Henry churches. Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Power of God – cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. … [Read more...]

Masses Back at St. Stephen Church

Beginning Friday, August 31, both the School Mass and the Tuesday evening Mass that is preceded by a Holy Our of Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will return to St Stephen Church.  The School Mass is celebrated on Fridays at 9:00am (unless there is a Holy Day of Obligation that week, in which case it is moved to the Holy Day of Obligation), and the Tuesday evening Mass is celebrated at 6:00pm, with the preceding Holy Hour beginning at 4:45pm. … [Read more...]


September 12, 2018 5:00pm – 6:30pm As he did last year, Archbishop Aymond has asked that each parish offer the Sacrament of Confession on September 12, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. … [Read more...]

Prayer to the Sorrowful Mother

by St. Alphonsus de LiguoriO my afflicted Mother! Queen of martyrs and of sorrows, thou didst so bitterly weep over thy Son, who died for my salvation; but what will thy tears avail me if I am lost? By the merit, then, of thy sorrows, obtain me true contrition for my sins, and a real amendment of life, together with constant and tender compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and thy dolours. And if Jesus and thou, being so innocent, have suffered so much for love of me, obtain that at least I, who am deserving of hell, may suffer something for your love. "O Lady," will I say with St. Bonaventure, "if I have offended thee, in justice wound my heart; if I have served thee, I now ask wounds for my reward. It is shameful to me to see my Lord Jesus wounded, and thee wounded with Him, and myself … [Read more...]

Annual Mission Appeal

August 25-26, 2018 The Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate Province in the United States in collaboration with their Sisters at the Motherhouse in Vietnam, provide direct service to the most neglected and disadvantaged.  Their mission is the salvation of humankind by evangelizing for the reign of God, educating youth in the authentic Catholic spirit, and doing charitable works as exemplified in Christ. Sr. Magalena Nguyen, O.P. and St. Luong Nguyen O.P. will give a brief presentation at each of the Masses next weekend to appeal for your help so that they may serve the poor of Vietnam. … [Read more...]

Symbols of the Eucharist (4 of 5)

The symbol of the Agnus Dei, the “Lamb of God” is one of the most recognizable symbols of the Eucharist. It is an explicit connection between the Paschal Lamb of Passover and the Sacrifice of Christ on the cross. John the Baptist was the first to call Jesus the “Lamb of God,” and we hear the Lamb of God directed to the Eucharist at each Mass right prior to receiving Him in Holy Communion. … [Read more...]

Were you married in St. Stephen Church?

If so, would you donate a simple framed photo of your wedding in the church for our collection? (Max size 5”x7”) We now have a beautiful, antique cabinet from a parishioner's estate in the room we use for brides and would like to display wedding photos of our brides over the years. Please deliver to Paige Saleun in the rectory M-F 9-4:30pm. We’d love photos from the earliest days! … [Read more...]

A Gentle Reminder from another parish’s bulletin that was forwarded to me

“Please come to Mass early enough not to disrupt. Leave late enough not to insult. (the Mass does not end until the final blessing). Worship reverently enough not to distract. And dress proudly enough not to offend.” … [Read more...]