- Tell a family you know that you appreciate something specific about them, e.g., the way they listen to each other, respect each other, help others, etc.
- Pray for all families who are hurting because of lack of communication and misunderstanding within the family.
- Ask someone you see today to share one special experience of his/her family as that person was growing up.
- Decide one thing you can do to help one person in your own family today.
- Set definite dates and times to do one of those no-cost family activities each week or month.
- Encourage someone you know to share one reason it is fun to be a member of his/her family.
- Remind one person you meet today that she/he is a special gift from God to family and friends.
- Give someone in your family five extra minutes of your TOTAL ATTENTION. (Be with that person without doing another task.)
- Reflect on what is most life-giving about your own family.
- Write a thank-you note to someone in your family. Thank that person for the love which you have experienced from him/her.
- Thank God for your own family.
- Tell someone in your family, “I love you because________________.”