Saturday, February 3 is the Feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. St Blaise was the bishop of Sebaste in Armenia who was martyred in the year 316 AD. The oldest accounts tell us that Blaise was a physician at Sebaste before he was made bishop. In the 4th century persecution of Licinius, St. Blaise was taken prisoner. After suffering various forms of torture he was beheaded. The most popular story attributed to St. Blaise occurred while he was in prison, when he cured a young a boy who was in danger of choking to death because of a fishbone in his throat. That story, and the fact that St. Blaise was a doctor, made the saint very popular for intercessory prayer for throat ailments. At an early date, the veneration of this Eastern saint was brought into Europe, and Blaise became … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2024
Last Year’s Palm Branches Needed!
Each year the blessed palms from Palm Sunday are burned to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday. We will burn them next weekend. Since the palms are blessed, burning is the suitable way to dispose of them. Please remember to bring them to Mass next weekend and place them in the brass urns in the back of the church. Thank you! … [Read more...]
Good Stewardship
Good Shepherd Parish needs average weekly collections of $6,500 in order to fund parish operations. Rarely does our collection exceed $5,000. Thankfully, we usually cover our deficit with year-end donations by generous benefactors. I encourage you to take this time to prayerfully consider whether you might increase your donations to our parish. For those who are able, please consider an additional 10% per week. Your help will make a big difference in our ability to meet our financial obligations. One way to make this easy is to use our electronic giving program. To sign up, visit our Online Donations page to set up your online giving account. You may also use the paper authorization form available here or from Arielle Nash in the parish office. Call Arielle if you have difficulties. … [Read more...]
Ever Wonder about the Pelican High in Our Church above the Altar?
The symbolism of the pelican feeding her young is rooted in a legend preceding Christianity that when food was scarce, the mother pelican would wound her breast with her beak and feed her young with her blood to prevent starvation. Given this legend, one can understand why the early Christians adapted it to symbolize our Lord, Jesus Christ. The pelican symbolizes Jesus our Redeemer who gave His life for our redemption and continues to feed us with His body and blood in the Holy Eucharist. The pelican is also part of our liturgical tradition. The image of the pelican is popular artwork for altar frontals, tabernacles and arches. In the hymn “Adoro te devote,” (written by St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast day we celebrate on January 28, and translated into English by Gerard Manley … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – January 28, 2024
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kindred, and will put my words into the mouth of the prophet; the prophet shall tell them all that I command. Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it. (Dt. 18:18-19) In the Acts of the Apostles, both St. Peter (3:22) and, St. Stephen (7:37) quote the above passage as referring to Jesus. Jesus is the prophet who came to teach us (in word and deed) how to live according to God’s plan and attain the Kingdom of Heaven. And when the time came, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon His Apostles to guide them and us through the Holy Catholic Church. But Jesus foretold that some would not listen to His words, and He warned us that we would be persecuted for following Him. When … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – January 21, 2024
As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him. (Mt. 4:18-20) One afternoon while I was in seminary, I was having lunch with some classmates, and we were joined by another seminarian who was a member of another religious community. He was younger than my classmates, and pretty “gung ho” about being a seminarian. With eager eyes and enthusiasm, he turned to my classmate, Mike Woods, and asked “So when did you get your call??!!” Now, you’d have to know Mike, but suffice it to say that Mike was about 10 years older than the other seminarian. He’s from … [Read more...]
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18 -25 The Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity [DPCU] is pleased to publish the texts for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025. In the northern hemisphere, the Week of Prayer traditionally takes place from 18 to 25 January, while in the southern hemisphere, where January is often a holiday period, churches often celebrate the Week of Prayer around Pentecost. The theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 is based on a text from the Gospel of John: "Do you believe this?" (John 11:26). The prayers and reflections have been prepared by the brothers and sisters of the monastic community of Bose in northern Italy. As usual, an international team appointed jointly by the DPCU and the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches worked with the … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – January 14, 2024
John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” (John 1:35) One of the aspects of the Gospel reading for today is that of discipleship. I wrote about the word in an earlier edition of the bulletin when I distinguished “disciple,” meaning “student” or “follower” from the word “apostle,” meaning “messenger.” All Christians are called to be disciples, while some are specifically sent out by the Church to be messengers. The earliest Christians all began as disciples, and some were chosen to be apostles. In the “Catechism of the Catholic Church,” the word disciple is used over and over. Here is a great definition of the role of disciples in the Church: “The disciple of Christ must not only keep the faith and live on it, but … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – January 7, 2024
“And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage.” (Mt. 2:9-11) Why were the “wise men” wise? Were they wise because they knew the movements of the stars in the sky? Perhaps. Were they wise because they understood the seasons of the year or the mysteries of nature? Maybe. Or were they wise because they knew how to navigate according to a star. All of that might be true. But the underlying truth is that they were wise because they were searching for God. Their desire for Him meant that they could detect his coming appearance on earth in the appearance of a … [Read more...]
Christmas Giving Tree
This year your generosity to the Society of St Vincent du Paul meant that 43 families got food baskets for a Christmas meal. Out of those families, 25 got gifts as well with 71 children receiving their gift requests from our tree, a total of 241 gifts! With you our monetary donations we were able to provide $75 gift cards to each of the 48 families so they can purchase turkey, ham, rolls, etc. … [Read more...]