“There I shall store all my grain and other goods and I shall say to myself, ‘Now as for you, you have so many good things stored up for many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!’” But God said to him, “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?” Thus will it be for all who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God. (Lk 12:18b-21). A few years ago I spoke to a Catholic group in Baton Rouge. Although my talk was about the Apostolicity of the Church (being founded on the Apostles and the current bishops being their successors), at the end a man asked me a question about clerical celibacy. “Father, why do priests have to be celibate” was the simple question. Unfortunately, celibacy is … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2022
Feast of the Transfiguration – Aug 6
While he was still speaking, a cloud came and cast a shadow over them, and they became frightened when they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” (Lk 9:34-36a) Most of the Church Fathers saw the Transfiguration as a glimpse of the glory of Christ given to his disciples so that they might be strengthened to witness the scandal of the Cross. And this is certainly true. But three things immediately jump out of the reading. First, is the number of apostles. Not all of the twelve are present – only Peter, James and John, the same three apostles that would accompany Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane. Even though they were strengthened by their witness to the glory of the Transfiguration, they would still flee at the beginning … [Read more...]
Retreat for Women Facing Infertility
If you struggle with infertility, you may feel like you’re in a lonely, desert place. But you are not alone! The Archdiocese of New Orleans and Springs in the Desert are partnering to offer a one-day retreat for women on Saturday, August 27 at St. Pius X Catholic Church. Wherever you are on the path of infertility, we invite you to join us for reflections on different aspects of the infertility experience, to receive encouragement and some practical suggestions for strengthening your relationship with God and your spouse, and to pray and share community with others on this same path. The retreat will take place on Saturday, August 27 - St. Pius X Catholic, New Orleans, from 9am until 3pm - Lunch and a light breakfast are provided. Please join us for Mass at 8am in the Church Learn more … [Read more...]
A Statement from Archbishop Gregory Aymond on Victims of Violence
Dear Brother Priests, Each Sunday we pray “Our Family Prayer” that God will make us peacemakers of our time and for an end to violence, murder and racism in the Archdiocese of New Orleans and throughout the world. Every parish has members who are victims of many types of violence. The Church cannot be silent at this crucial time when so many of the faithful have been so deeply affected by violence. Prayer is powerful and can change hearts. This is an opportunity for us as a community of faith to pray for reconciliation and healing and to ask God’s help as we strive to build a better community free from violence and its causes. On Sunday, September 11, 2022, I will celebrate the annual liturgy for the Victims and Survivors of Violence at the 11:00 a.m. mass at Saint Louis … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – July 24, 2022
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Lk 11:9-10) per·se·ver·ance?[pur-suh-veer-uhns] –noun 1.steady persistence in a course of action, a pur-pose, a state,etc., esp. in spite of diffic-ulties, obstacles, or discouragement. 2.Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end,leading to eternal salvation. Anything that’s worth doing requires perseverance. The Latin verb “perseverare” is composed of two words: “per” meaning “through”; and “severare” meaning “to be severe or strict.” So perseverance means to achieve something through being strict. And the obvious object of the … [Read more...]