Archives for October 2019
Msgr. Nalty Homily – October 6, 2019
From the Pastor – October 6, 2019
The Apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” (Lk 17:5) By the time the Apostles have gotten to the 17th Chapter of Luke’s Gospel, they’ve seen Jesus do a lot of things. They’ve seen a miraculous catch of fish. They’ve seen Jesus expel demons. They’ve seen Him heal a mother-in-law, a leper, a paralytic, a man with a withered hand, a servant, a woman with a hemorrhage, a crippled woman and a man with dropsy. They’ve seen Jesus calm a storm, feed 5000 people and raise two children from the dead. At this point, they realize that Jesus has some pretty serious authority. And out of all the things they can ask for, they ask him for one thing: “increase our faith.” What is it about “faith” that is so important to the Apostles? There are two ways that we understand faith in the … [Read more...]
Knights of Columbus – Silver Rose Program
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 In December 1531 the Blessed Mother appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico asking him to have the Bishop Juan de Zumarraga to build a church in her honor. The Bishop was reluctant to just take his word and asked for sign from Juan. He returned with a cloak of roses which were not native to the area. The Blessed Virgin had arranged the roses in his cloak and she told him to bring them to the Bishop. When he showed the bishop and even more wondrous sign appeared; a remarkable portrait of Our Lady was imprinted on the coarse fabric of his cloak. The image and the cloak are displayed for the veneration of the faithful to this day at Our Lady of Guadalupe basilica of Mexico City. The Knights of Columbus have over the years had 7 Silver Roses made. One Rose was … [Read more...]