Our spiritual work of mercy-Prayer for those struggling with Infertility: Mother of Christ, you were graced by God with the privilege of bearing our Divine Savior. You experienced the joys and challenges of being a parent. Your life was blessed with seeing Jesus grow from infancy and childhood, into his adult years of teaching a ministry. With St. Joseph, you created a home for your family to love and share together. Please intercede before the God of all life, that those struggling with infertility may conceive a baby and raise healthy children, with whom they can share the Lord’s good gifts. May their children honor them and You by lives of virtue and caring for others. May their home be holy and their family be blessed with health, happiness and abiding love. And for those for whom … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2017
The April Respect Life Focus is on Fertility/Infertility/Assisted Reproductive Technologies
From the Pastor – March 26, 2017
Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.” Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this and said to him, “Surely we are not also blind, are we?” Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains.”(Jn. 9:39-41) The Gospel this Sunday is about the cure of the “man born blind.” Jesus did so by making clay out of dirt and saliva, by putting the clay on the man’s eyes, and then by instructing the man to wash in the Pool at Siloam. The closing words of this Sunday’s Gospel passage sum up the meaning of the cure of the man born blind. It’s not just a miracle cure of a physical illness. It’s about opening the eyes of … [Read more...]
Support Christians in the Holy Land
CChristians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Our hearts, minds and prayers are especially in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Once a year, on Good Friday, Catholics through- out the world are called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on this collection for their lives. It is critical that we continue to support the Christians who are living in the Holy Land. They are surrounded by a majority Jewish and Islamic population. With your support, we ensure Christians living there and future generations of Christians will have a place to live. It is with the funds from the Good Friday Collection that the Franciscans living in the Holy Land provide presence, care and service to the … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – March 12, 2017
Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them; His face shone like the sun and His clothes became white as light. (Mt. 17:1-2 ) The Transfiguration of Jesus is one of the mysteries of the life of Christ. In fact, when the Holy Father, (soon to be Saint!) Blessed John Paul II decided to propose five new mysteries of the Rosary, he included the Transfiguration in his “Luminous Mysteries.” The other mysteries are the Baptism of Our Lord, the Wedding Feast at Cana, the Proclamation of the Kingdom, and the Institution of the Eucharist. So what does the Transfiguration mean? It’s literally a “change in appearance” of Jesus. It’s described as a brightness emanating from Him. But what is the mystery behind … [Read more...]
Confessions, Stations of the Cross and Fish Fry on Fridays at St. Henry Church
During Lent at St. Henry Church, there will be Stations of the Cross and Confession on Fridays with Confession at 5:30pm and the Stations at 6:00pm. Remember that Msgr. Nalty is also in the Confessional from 3:00-3:45pm on Saturdays and 9:30-10:15 a.m. on Sundays. Beginning March 3, the Stations will be followed by a fish fry in the Blessed Pauline Center, directly behind St. Henry Church. … [Read more...]