Archives for January 2015

Blanket Drive

From Miriam Ogden: On a recent Sunday morning as I was driving home, I saw a homeless man at the red light. I stopped to give him something to eat. I asked him how he was doing. He said, not well, that he barely slept the night before because he slept on the ground and it was so cold and he did not have a blanket. I told him that God loves him and that I would pray for him. As I drove off, I felt so sad, guilty, about my wonderful bed with sheets, blankets and pillows. By the time that I got home, I realized that I had to do something. I spoke with two priests who thought that a blanket drive was a good thing. When I told Metairie Lakelawn funeral home about my idea, they really liked it and have put up a sign requesting that their employees donate a blanket by Tuesday. At which time … [Read more...]

From the Pastor – January 18, 2015

John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” (Jn. 1:35-36) In the readings this weekend, we have a lot of “naming” going on.   John calls Jesus the “Lamb of God”: John’s disciples call Jesus “Rabbi”: Andrew refers to Jesus as the “Messiah (the Christ)” when he speaks to his brother, Simon; and Jesus calls Simon “Cephas (Peter).”  It almost sounds like pledge week at a fraternity house where everyone gets a new nickname! But what we’re dealing with has both theological and practical implications.  In the Bible - and in real life - names are important. In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, the lovers have a dialogue about their own names. It begins with Romeo hearing Juliet call his name: “O Romeo, Romeo, … [Read more...]

DO YOU KNOW… the difference between a ministry and an apostolate?

“Ministry pertains to the administration of a sacrament, celebration of liturgy and other liturgical rites and is specific to those with Holy Orders. “Laity spread the Gospel of Jesus and the truth of Catholicism in the secular world through whatever means they can - this is properly called an apostolate. The St. Vincent de Paul Society or the Knights of Columbus are excellent examples.” (adapted from Wikipedia, 12/18/2014) Our parish Apostolate Fair begins next weekend, January 10/11. The format will be slightly different than in years past. Every weekend, 2-3 apostolates will have information and representatives available at each mass. We hope this will make it easier to focus on those groups that interest you. The schedule is: January 10/11 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy … [Read more...]

From the Pastor – January 4, 2015

“And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage.” (Mt. 2:9-11) Why were the “wise men” wise? Were they wise because they knew the movements of the stars in the sky? Were they wise because they understood the seasons of the year or the movements of nature? What made them wise? The word for “wise men” is a Greek word that we transliterate as “magi.” The magi were interested in trying to understand the created world, but they searched for more. The magi might have been smart because of all of their knowledge of the physical world, but wisdom is … [Read more...]

Louisiana Life March

Saturday, January 24, 2014, Baton Rouge, La A group from the parish will travel to Baton Rouge on January 24 to participate in the Louisiana Walk for Life at the state capital. The trip will allow us to show our solidarity with all the other people of God in commemoration of the misguided Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973. Please let us know if you would be interested in participating in this event. We will make a final determination concerning scheduling after we find out how many people have an interest in participating.  You may email Miriam Ogden at … [Read more...]