The Holy Father’s New Encyclical, Lumen Fidei A “hat trick” in sports is when an athlete accomplishes three outstanding feats in one game. The term originated in a cricket match in 1858 when a player hit three consecutive wickets, after which he was presented with a hat. On June 29, 2013 Pope Francis accomplished a “hat trick” of sorts when he announced the upcoming canonizations of Blessed Pope John XXIII and Blessed Pope John Paul II. What was the third accomplishment? Unfortunately, it took a back seat to the other two announcements, but it was the publication of his first Papal Encyclical, entitled “Lumen Fidei,” or “Light of Faith.” If you didn’t hear about it, it’s because the news focused so much on the two new saints. And that’s not surprising because these are the first … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2013
From the Pastor – July 28, 2013
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Lk 11:9-10) per·se·ver·ance?[pur-suh-veer-uhns] –noun 1.steady persistence in a course of action, a pur-pose, a state,etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. 2.Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation. Anything that’s worth doing requires perseverance. The Latin verb “perseverare” is composed of two words: “per” meaning “through”; and “severare” meaning “to be severe or strict.” So perseverance means to achieve something through being strict. And the obvious object of the … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – July 21, 2013
There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test him and said, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” He said in reply, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Lk 10:25-27) If you could ask God one question, what would it be? Would you ask about the future? Would you ask for the next Powerball number? Next year’s Superbowl Champion? Or perhaps you’d want to know about something from the past. Why did Katrina hit us? Why did my Dad have to die? Perhaps you’d want to know the answer to something current. Why do bad things happen to good people? What is the cure for cancer or … [Read more...]
Year of Faith & Family Grandparents’ Liturgy
As part of this year’s Year of Family and Faith, we will celebrate a “Grandparents’ Mass” on Sunday, July 28, 2013. The purpose for this liturgy is to encourage all families to worship together demonstrating generational unity. In the New Orleans culture, grandparents hold a place of honor within families. It is hoped that all families will see the gift of grandparents in their lives. … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – July 14, 2013
There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test him and said, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” He said in reply, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Lk 10:25-27) If you could ask God one question, what would it be? Would you ask about the future? Would you ask for the next Powerball number? Next year’s Superbowl Champion? Or perhaps you’d want to know about something from the past. Why did Katrina hit us? Why did my Dad have to die? Perhaps you’d want to know the answer to something current. Why do bad things happen to good people? What is the cure for cancer or … [Read more...]