Archives for June 2013

Catholic Marriage Counseling

On September 1, 2011 the Archdiocese of New Orleans through the Family Life Apostolate is pleased to announce the opening of a Catholic Counseling Service in the areas of marital, couple, and family counseling. This service is intended to reach out to families, not only through prayer, but in quality counseling. It is hoped this counseling service will be a resource to families at times of stress as well as a sign that the Church is available to provide guidance and support. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Catholic Counseling Service (504) 861-6245. … [Read more...]

In-Home Marriage Prep Training

St. Rita Parish and Lloyd and Jan Tate are sponsoring an In-Home One-on-One Marriage Preparation Training Workshop on Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 8:30a.m. – 5:30p.m. The workshop will be held in the parish Community Life Center in Harahan. This type of marriage preparation involves six – seven meetings between a married couple and an engaged couple and usually takes place in the married couple's home. Lloyd and Jan Tate, experienced marriage preparation presenters and authors, will conduct the training. The cost is $125.00 per couple, which includes two training manuals and refreshments. Please bring your own lunch; drinks will be provided. The deadline to register is August 22, 2011. For further information and to register, call (504) 738-7463. … [Read more...]

Are Feeding Tubes Required?

One of the very practical concerns that patients face near the end of life involves the question of feeding tubes. How can we discern whether a feeding tube is morally required? MAKING SENSE OUT OF BIOETHICSFR. TAD PACHOLCZYK, PhD Driector of Education National CaPhiladelphia The answer always depends on the particulars of a patient's situation, but there are a few broad considerations that can help in the discernment process. As a general rule, we ought to die from a disease or an ailment that claims our life, not from an action (or inaction) by someone that causes our death (for example, withholding hydration). Our death, in other words, should result from the progress of a pathological condition, not from a lack of food or water if it could have been readily offered to provide … [Read more...]

Annulment Writing Workshop

Family Life Apostolate will offer a writing workshop for persons seeking an annulment in the Catholic Church or for persons responding to an annulment. The workshops will be held at the Administration Building for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, 7887 Walmsley Avenue in New Orleans. The series will be for five (5) Tuesdays, September 6, 13, 20, 27 and October 4, 2011. The materials for the series cost $20.00. To register or for more information, call Family Life Apostolate, (504) 861-6243. … [Read more...]

Night Out Against Crime

City of New Orleans Night Out Against Crime Tuesday, October 11, 2011 5:30 - 8:30pm 3900 Block of Camp Street Food, drinks and music.  Great raffle and auction prizes. $5.00 adults, $3.00 seniors, $1.00 children Come join your neighbors in the annual “night out against crime” to benefit the Citizen's Organization For Police Support II, Inc.  The Touro Bouligny Association will be set up at 3943 Camp Street.   … [Read more...]

Congratulations to Chad Ham

This is Chad, whom many of you know.  Click here for the reason for his congratulations! … [Read more...]

Response to Times-Picayune Religion Article

A number of parishioners commented to me about an article from last week's “Religion” section of the Times Picayune that purported to be a balanced look at the recent upsurge in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass. The article covered Eucharistic processions and “Perpetual Adoration” chapels where the Eucharist is exposed in a Monstrance for Adoration. Unfortunately, the article contained a number of errors and biases as a result of some questionable theological opinions. I wrote the letter which follows to the Editor of the Times Picayune. I just wanted you to know that the article bothered me, too. My letter is available on … [Read more...]

Adorers Needed

The Holy Name of Jesus Adoration Chapel located in the Parish center at 6220 LaSalle Place, between Palmer Ave. and Calhoun St. Is looking for some committed Adorers, to spend some time with Jesus. Adoration is a wonderful way to develop a closer relationship with the Lord. Wouldn't you like an even closer relationship with Jesus? Please call Ernestine Springer at 895-5292 for any information that you may need. … [Read more...]

Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap is back again this summer! It is a four-week speaker and discussion series directed to the needs and experiences of young adults between the ages of 21-35, married or single.  The overall theme for this summer series is entitled “Real World Catholicism” and will be held on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Abita Brewery Visitor Center. For more information contact Michelle Seghers 985-373-2656 or June 23 - Fr. Charles Latour - "Keeping it Real"July 7 - Jason Angelette – “Caught Between Saturday Night & Sunday Morning”July 14 - Dr. John Bergsma - “Is the Old Testament Relevant Today?"July 21 – Dr. Herb and Lisa Flood - “Reeled In from the Real World" … [Read more...]

St. Henry Reunion Photos

Check out the reunion photos. … [Read more...]