Archives for June 2013

Diaconate Community Mass

Archbishop Gregory Aymond will preside at a Mass for the Diaconate Community in our church at 11:00 am on December 26, the Feast of Saint Stephen. The Mass will be followed by a reception. Thanks to all of the Archdiocesan deacons and their wives for their commitment to this ministry of the Church.  The Mass is open to the public. … [Read more...]

Changes in the Mass

Beginning at Advent Over the course of the last few months, we've been discussing the changes in the English translation of the Mass that we'll begin using in two weeks.  As I've said, the bulk of the changes will be in the prayers that the priest leads. Below are the parts that will change, but remember we do the Holy Holy and the Lamb of God in Latin during Advent, so the changes. So when it comes down to it, the people will not have tons to learn! Old Text New Text ”˜The Lord be with you” R: “And also with you” “The Lord be with you” R: “And with your spirit” Penitential Act “I confess to almighty God”¦that I have sinned through my own what I have done and in what I have failed to do. And I ask blessed Mary, ever … [Read more...]

Thank you, Saints!

Good Shepherd Parish is very grateful to Greg Bensel, the Vice-President of Communications for the New Orleans Saints , who arranged for our Altar Boys and their Dads to attend last week's game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  Not only did the boys have a great time, but they were able to meet and get autographs from a number of the players, including star receiver Marques Colston.  And the best part?  The Saints won! … [Read more...]

Congratulations to Deacon Richard Eason!

On Saturday, December 1, Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond ordained 20 men to the permanent diaconate for the Archdiocese of New Orleans.   You might be familiar with one of those men, Richard Eason, who has been serving at Good Shepherd Parish as an acolyte for the last several months.  And now you will become even more familiar with him since he's been assigned to Good Shepherd Parish! As was reported in the Clarion Herald this weekend: DEACON RICHARD EASON and his wife Rosalyn have been married for 33 years. They have three sons – Blake, Kyle and Grant. Deacon Eason is an attorney with the law firm of Adams and Reese, LLP. Rosalyn serves as the religion coordinator at St. Ann School and volunteers as a court-appointed special advocate for Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court. Deacon Eason and … [Read more...]

Original Oil Paintings Benefit

A series of original oil paintings are being displayed in the rear of the church. They were done by David Dillard, and they show representations of Our Lady of Good Counsel, St. Henry and St. Stephen churches as they looked this year during the Good Friday Nine Church walk. You might notice that the cross at St. Stephen is veiled as we do on that day. The gallery is asking $2000 each for the three paintings, with 40% of the proceeds going to Good Shepherd Parish. If you are interested in the paintings, please contact the gallery or the parish office.   … [Read more...]

Victim Support

In continuing our commitment of support and healing, we invite and encourage people who have been sexually abused recently or in the past by clergy, religious or other employees or volunteers of the Archdiocese of New Orleans to call the Victims' Assistance Coordinator: Sr. Carmelita Centanni, MSC, Ph.D, (504) 861-6253. … [Read more...]

Last Chance Tax Legislation Info

The compromise tax bill which was passed by Congress and signed by the President, extends until December 31, 2011, a provision known as the “Charitable IRA Rollover” which allows taxpayers age 70 1⁄2 or older to make tax-free transfers (up to $100,000 per year) directly from their IRAs to charities (for example, your church, school or church ministries you wish to support). You can make distributions directly to one or more charities from your traditional IRA, as long as you are at least 70 1⁄2 years old when you transfer the gifts. Such gifts can be made without increasing your taxable income or withholding. Additionally, funds transferred from your IRA to a charity will NOT subject your Social Security income to higher tax levels, and will count toward your minimum required … [Read more...]

Remembering Archbishop Hannan

It's hard for me to believe that when I was confirmed by Archbishop Philip M. Hannan on March 26, 1976, he was 65 years old and had already been Archbishop of New Orleans for more than ten years. It seems so long ago, and I have so many other more vivid memories of Archbishop Hannan. I knew him well because my Dad served as his deacon at the Cathedral for many years. I remember greeting him after Mass there each Sunday. I remember him coming over to my parents' home for dinner when I was young, and telling stories of World War II. I remember returning to New Orleans after law school in 1988, at about the same time as his retirement. I remember him asking me to handle some legal work for him involving real estate transfers. But most of all, I remember the time I told him that I was … [Read more...]

From the Deacon – June 2, 2013

Call for Eucharistic Ministers  When the subject of “needs” arises, most often we think of physical needs, like clothing, food and shelter.  However, there are a number of health care facilities in our Parish whose Catholic patients are unable to get to Mass and receive the Eucharist. They are often forgotten because we don’t see them or hear about them.  They have spiritual needs.  Here is a story I heard recently. Gloria was a Catholic patient in a nearby nursing facility who was in poor physical health but with a sharp mind.  She had not been to Mass or received the Eucharist in several years.  Michael was a volunteer who brought the Eucharist to various patients in the facility.  He stopped by to visit Gloria several times and offered her the Eucharist but each time she declined.  … [Read more...]

High School Service

OPENINGS STILL AVAILABLE SUMMER SERVICE OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New Orleans, and the Office of Religious Education are offering a summer service camp, Students Engaging in Reflective Volunteer Experiences, SERVE. The camp is an opportunity for high school students to give back to the community and achieve the service hours required by many parochial high schools. Sessions run for five weeks with 40-hour sessions, a 20-hour session or 12-hour sessions. SERVE sites include a day camp, food bank, homeless shelter and Head Starts. SERVE is offered on both the Northshore and the Southshore. Students must be incoming freshman. Registration is non- refundable – $30.00 for SERVE and $15 for Mini-SERVE. Registration is open now until full.Limited … [Read more...]