Brothers and sisters: For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. (Gal 5:1) As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day next week, we might reflect a little bit about what it means to be “free.” In the context of the Fourth of July holiday, freedom means being separated from the political control of a king as had been the case prior to the American revolution. But “freedom” means many things. Webster’s Dictionary has a very lengthy definition of freedom. In part it reads: “a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous.” In all of these … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2013
From the Pastor – June 16, 2013
Afterward he journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. (Lk 8:1) This Sunday’s Gospel recounts one story in the life of Christ. It’s one visit to a household, one sinner anointing the feet of Jesus, one lesson taught, and one sinner forgiven. When Jesus was on earth in the flesh, He limited Himself to being in one place at a time, and those encounters – so beautifully recounted in Sacred Scripture – reveal him reaching out and touching and healing specific individuals through the power of His love. And Jesus was accompanied by the Twelve Apostles and some women who were witnesses to His love. After the Ascension and Pentecost, the Apostles obeyed the commands of Christ to go out to preach, sanctify (by the … [Read more...]
A Dozen Ways to Strengthen Families
Tell a family you know that you appreciate something specific about them, e.g., the way they listen to each other, respect each other, help others, etc. Pray for all families who are hurting because of lack of communication and misunderstanding within the family. Ask someone you see today to share one special experience of his/her family as that person was growing up. Decide one thing you can do to help one person in your own family today. Set definite dates and times to do one of those no-cost family activities each week or month. Encourage someone you know to share one reason it is fun to be a member of his/her family. Remind one person you meet today that she/he is a special gift from God to family and friends. Give someone in your family five extra minutes of your TOTAL … [Read more...]
The following Catehcumens and Candidates entered the Catholic Church at this year's Easter Vigil! Beau AdmireCharles BakerShon BakerJoel DondisRonald DavisMichael GillDevin ReidPatrick SchreiberAnne VanDevenderKaren Wu … [Read more...]
Lenten Liturgies
With Lent approaching in two weeks, I want to call attention to the changes that we may observe in the liturgies. “Austere” is the watchword for the liturgical celebrations of the Season of Lent. The Church has proclaimed a time of fasting and self-denial and she teaches by example. The priest is vested in violet, “the gloomy color of affliction and mortification,” except on the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) when he may wear rose vestments. During Lent the sanctuary is bereft of flowers and we use less ornate linens. The Gloria is not prayed (except on the two Solemnities) and the Alleluia is entirely absent throughout Lent. Further, the use of musical instruments is limited to the accompaniment of singing. By this penitential “fast of the senses,” Holy Mother Church … [Read more...]
NOLA Catholic Experience
This month, the archdiocesan Office of Communications launched its latest initiative, the NOLA Catholic Experience blog at With a blog team of about 12 and the blessing of Archbishop Aymond, this blog will be an outlet for New Orleans Catholics from various walks of life to share their experiences living their Catholic faith in their everyday lives. Please encourage people to go to the blog, read the messages and respond as the Holy Spirit moves them to what they hear. It is our hope that this blog will become a powerful tool in the New Evangelization and reach people where they are by telling the stories of people very much like them who live in this world but are not of this world. Again, to read the blog, go to the website above. If you would like … [Read more...]
Building Committee
 As you have heard announced at Mass, we will soon begin a push to do major restorative work on St. Stephen Church. With that in mind, the first thing that needs to be done is to make up a project report which will be given to an architect to gain an understanding of the costs involved. The first meeting of the Building Committee will be next SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 IN THE RECTORY AT 9:00AM. If you cannot attend, but are still interested in participating, please email Msgr. Nalty at  … [Read more...]
Venerable Henriette Delille
The Sisters of the Holy Family will celebrate the 170th anniversary of their founding and the 200th anniversary of the birth of their foundress, Venerable Henriette Delille. The celebration will begin with a symposium depicting the life, spirituality, genealogy and charism of Venerable Henriette Delille on Friday, November 16, 2012 from 5:00p.m – 7:00p.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1100 Chartres Street. The celebration will continue on Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 11:00a.m. with a Mass in honor of the 170th anniversary of the Sisters of the Holy Family and 200th anniversary of the birth of Venerable Henriette Delille at St. Louis Cathedral, 615 Pere Antoine Alley. … [Read more...]
Religious Education Schedule 2012-2013
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) – This is a series of classes for those who are interested in either becoming Catholic or those who are curious about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Â Catholics who have not had religious instruction in a long time would also benefit from these classes. Â The classes meet every Wednesday night at 7:00pm beginning September 5, 2012 (exclusive of Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks) until Easter in the rectory. The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) is an association established in 1562 in Rome for the purpose of providing religious education. In its modern usage, CCD is the religious teaching program of the Catholic Church for school age children to learn the basic doctrines of their faith, especially as they prepare for First Holy … [Read more...]
Update on America Code Blue
A local group of Catholic women organized a Blue Envelope Campaign which resulted in over 52,000 letters mailed from New Orleans to elected officials in Washington. The letters urged them to support legislation to overturn the HHS Mandate. The group, America Code Blue: Reporting Our Nation's Religious Freedoms, has three goals. Inform and storm Congress with letters, educate people in the pews, and attract media attention to this issue. With Archbishop Aymond's support and encouragement to involve the local parishes, the effort has been a huge success. Parishioners have expressed deep gratitude in learning more about the HHS mandate and the opportunity to unite their voices against the mandate. One voice united with thousands of others resonates loudly. Our goals in New Orleans have … [Read more...]