Reverend Thomas Chambers, CSC was the celebrant last week for the 10:30am Mass, and is now in residence at Good Shepherd Parish. Father Chambers is a member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, and lived at Sacred Heart Church on Canal Street until it was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. He is the past president of Our Lady of Holy Cross College on the West Bank, and he is currently President of the Willwoods Community (, an entity of the Archdiocese of New Orleans that ministers in the areas of faith and marriage, affordable housing, and assisted-care living (Malta Park in our parish). Willwoods also co-owns and operates WLAE public television station. The slogan of Willwoods is “rooted in prayer, united in service,” and that could best describe Father Tom! Father is … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2013
Pray for the Poor of Haiti
Bishop Shelton Fabre, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans authorized a special second collection for victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The money is being sent to Catholic Relief Services. THANKS to all of the donors from our parish, who contributed nearly $6,000 to the relief so far, including one donor who gave $1,000. Those wanting to make a donation directly to CRS may do so online at If the server is down, please call toll free 1-877-HELP-CRS or text RELIEF to 30644 and following the instructions. … [Read more...]
The Sacraments are Really Cool!
Since I'm on retreat this week, I'm trying to give myself a little break from writing bulletin articles. Instead, I include below an email from a friend who only became Catholic last year at Easter. Over the course of the last couple of years, she has devoted a large amount of her time in prayer and in trying to grow in her awareness of what the Church teaches. Right now she's learning a great deal about the Sacrament of Confession. She knows it isn't easy, but she understands it pretty well: This week I've had a couple friends come to me with things they are struggling with. They know that I'm not one who is easily surprised and am not one to be judgmental no matter how crazy their situation... not much phases me. I'm a good listener. So anyways... two different guys (both Catholic) have … [Read more...]
The Christmas Season
The Christmas Season officially ends after the Mass of the Baptism of Our Lord. At this point I want to thank all of those who made this Christmas Season so special at Good Shepherd Parish. Foremost among you are the priests who offered Mass while I was on retreat, those who served the Masses, the lectors, the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, the music ministry and the Altar Society. Also, thanks to all who donated poinsettias to decorate our beautiful sanctuary: Academy of the Sacred Heart Students & AlumnaeRalph R. Alexis Jr.Rosemary Baeher, Carl J. Galle Jr., Cecelia Muth, James BorrowsBoudreaux & Bergeron FamiliesBetpouey - Dwyer FamiliesMrs. Betty Blum, Mrs. C. VelasquezCleaver & Frederick FamiliesMae ClementionCollier & Gwin FamiliesJames R. … [Read more...]
Christmas 2009 Homily of Pope Benedict XVI
Excerpts from the Christmas 2009 Homily of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI Urbi et Orbi Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI - Christmas Day, 2009 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Rome and throughout the world, and all men and women, whom the Lord loves! "A light will shine on us this day,the Lord is born for us” (Roman Missal, Christmas, Entrance Antiphon for the Mass at Dawn) The liturgy of the Mass at Dawn reminded us that the night is now past, the day has begun; the light radiating from the cave of Bethlehem shines upon us. The Bible and the Liturgy do not, however, speak to us about a natural light, but a different, special light, which is somehow directed to and focused upon “us”, the same “us” for whom the Child of Bethlehem “is born”. This “us” is the Church, the great … [Read more...]
Special THANKS to Doug, Gay, Ertha, Laura and Laurie for all of the help with the parish open house! And thanks to all who attended and got to eat some traditional New Year's black-eyed peas, cabbage and some spicy pasta! … [Read more...]
Indulge Me on This?
The teachings of the Church on IndulgencesMany of us have a poor understanding of some of the Church's teachings on sin, forgiveness and punishment for sins. We know that we sin. And we know that we can be forgiven if we confess our serious sins (which we are obligated to do as Catholics once a year). But sometimes we don't remember that we will have to suffer some temporal punishment in Purgatory for sins that we have committed – even if we have confessed them. But there is a remedy for that, and it's a powerful one. Jesus gave the Church the power, through St. Peter and his successors, to take away that temporal punishment. The Catholic doctrine of the Communion of Saints teaches that this work of cleansing or sanctification does not have to be done entirely by the person directly … [Read more...]
Thanks for donating Poinsettias!
Alumnae of the Academy of the Sacred Heart, J. Lucien Archer, Antoinette Archer, James L. Archer, Marshall & Eleanor Ballard, the Boudreux & Bergeron Families, Lucy Brocato, Rosa G. Brocato, Camelia Bychurch, Jean Charbonnet, Mr & Mrs Victor A. Chisesi, Mr & Mrs William (Bill) Collins, Roy Craft Jr, Jokomo Davis, Denise Drury, the Botpouey/Dwyer Families, Richmond Gerard Favrot, Richmond Favrot, Aline & William Heausler, the Gallaher, Collins & Egatz Families, Mr & Mrs Robert F. Grace, Leslie W. Guise, the Lloyd W. Hall Family, Louis Hanemann, Oliver Miles Sr, Joseph Wise, Lester & Ethel Heidingsfelder, Mr & Mrs William A. Heausler Jr, Dr Frederic Christopher Giles, Henry & Mary Heim, Eva Loubat Horridge, Jan Moore Jenkins, Pete & Rosemary … [Read more...]
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
A Statement from Most Rev. Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans At the most recent meeting of the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops, Bishop Roger Morin gave a report on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and addressed the concerns of some people regarding the use of funds to support effectively the mission of the church. The grants are carefully reviewed. No group who opposes Catholic teachings is eligible for funds. If a group violates the conditions of the grant, funding is immediately terminated. Careful attention has been given to this matter. … [Read more...]
Flu Season
A Statement from Most Rev. Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New OrleansDuring this flu season, I wish to remind everyone to use reasonable caution while celebrating Mass. At the Sign of Peace you may extend your hand as usual or the “Sign of Peace” can be expressed verbally without physical contact. Those who chose to use verbal expression only, should be treated with respect and understanding.For communion, Jesus Christ is fully present in the consecrated Eucharistic bread and wine. Catholics are not required to take communion from the cup. If someone has a cold or flu symptoms, it would be advisable to refrain from the cup.I am also asking pastors to make provisions for clergy and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to cleanse their hands before and after communion. Most … [Read more...]