Next weekend, we will have our parish “ministry fair.” The purpose of this fair is to present many of the activities and organizations of Good Shepherd Parish, and to encourage participation in them. Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Society, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Altar Servers, Legion of Mary, Ladies of Charity, and others will be represented, so mark your calendars, and consider how you might serve our parish! … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2013
Alleluia! He is Risen!
Easter Sunday is the day of the “Alleluia!” After forty days of Lenten sacrifice and fasting, we finally arrive at the most important day of our liturgical year, and the only word we have to express our inner joy is “Alleluia!!” In the old Greek version of the Book of Tobias, in the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew psalter, and in the original Greek of the Apocalypse we hear about this most holy word. It is part of the earliest Christian liturgies of which we have record.  It is a word composed of the divinely acclaiming verbal form Allelu and the divine pronoun term Ya (for YHWH or Yahweh). So, preserving its radical sense and sound, and even the mystical suggestiveness of its construction, it may be literally rendered, “All hail to Him Who is!”--taking “All Hail” as … [Read more...]
What’s the deal with the Palms?
It was a common custom in many lands of the ancient Middle East to cover in some way the path of someone thought worthy of the highest honor. In 2 Kings 9:13 Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, was treated to this honor. Each of the four Gospels report that the people of Jerusalem gave Jesus the honor of walking on a covered path. However, in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) we hear that the people lay their garments and cut rushes to place on the street. Only the Gospel of John specifically mentions palm fronds. So what is the significance of the palm? The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and of victory in Jewish tradition, and is treated as such in other parts of the Bible (e.g. Leviticus 23:40 and Revelation 7:9). Based on this significance, the scene of the crowd greeting Jesus … [Read more...]
President Obama & Notre Dame?
Many of you know that I am a 1984 graduate of the University of Notre Dame. And many of you know a little about the controversy surrounding Notre Dame's invitation to President Obama to be the speaker and to receive an honorary law degree at this year's graduation ceremony. Since you're reading about it at other places, I thought I might address it here.Many people are justifiably happy that race relations in the United States are at the point where our country can elect a minority as President. And President Obama brings many important gifts to that office, most particularly his intellect, his education, his eloquence and his ability to inspire people. But President Obama's policies on the important issues of human life are inconsistent with basic principles of natural law – that … [Read more...]
Lift High the Cross!
As the cross is being raised, a final thanks to our “Spirit Givers”! Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ballard, III, In Memory of the Bergeron & Boudreaux Families, Philip & Ella Boudreaux, Kathy, Molly & Katie Burns, Matalin & Emma Carville, Robert & Druscilla Charlebois, The Chisesi Family, In Memory of Mae Colgan Clementino, The Howell Crosby Family, Ronnie Demilio, In Memory of Louis J. Derbes, C.M., Martin Feldman, Dr. & Mrs. Norman Francis, Arthemise Galle, Joyce Griener, In Memory of Mary & Jimmie Hanemann, Hunter P. Harris & Family, Lucy M. LaBella, Ronald & Mary Ellen Leggio, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Liljeberg, Sr., In Memory of Garrett & Claire Martin, McNamara & McAuliffe Families, Patricia & David Mitchell, Superintendent & Mrs. Henry … [Read more...]
St. Patrick’s Day Party!
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Rectory As most of you know, one of the traditions of the “Irish Channel” in Uptown New Orleans is a St. Patrick's Day parade. The parade takes place on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 beginning at 12:30pm, and passes right in front of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. In keeping with a tradition, Good Shepherd Parish is sponsoring a St. Patrick's Day party to take place in the garden of the rectory, which is located adjacent to OLGC at 1307 Louisiana Avenue. The party will go from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm, and I am told that the party has another tradition of good food and beverages! Volunteers are asked to email Barbara Fortier at Donations will be accepted at the party, and the proceeds will support the ministry of Good Shepherd Parish. … [Read more...]
A Note about the Sound System
There has been one thing for which I have received the most complaints since I have been here at Good Shepherd Parish: our sound system. It is something that one usually takes for granted, and it has become a thorn in my side. One of the most important things that a pastor does is to preach the Sunday Mass, and your not being able to hear me makes my job very very difficult! After dealing with a variety of expert and inexpert technicians, I finally got in touch with the company that installed the system, and they came out to inspect it several weeks ago. They made some adjustments and checked the wiring, but some of the original components have been removed or replaced. With an eye toward restoring or replacing the entire system, they are coming out again on Friday. If there is no … [Read more...]
Help the Poor of Our Parish!
Over the last several months, we have experienced a large increase in the number of requests for financial assistance. We provide assistance in the form of help with electricity and rent bills, canned goods and small gift cards to area food stores. Since Lent is a season to practice almsgiving, please consider making donations at the St. Anthony Statue on the right rear of the church, or by increasing your offerings in the envelopes. There are a lot of poor people in our area, and Jesus told us: “to whom much has been given, much will be expected.” Whatever we do for the poor of our parish, we do for Jesus. Thank you! … [Read more...]
Agnus Dei
“Lamb of God” is one of the titles given to Jesus in the New Testament by John the Baptist. It refers to Jesus' role as a sacrificial lamb atoning for the sins of man, harkening back to ancient Jewish Temple sacrifices in which a lamb was slain during the passover (the "Paschal Lamb”), the blood was sprinkled on the altar, and the whole of the lamb was eaten. As we prepare for Holy Week, we're called to reflect upon Christ as Lamb of God. The link between the Paschal Lamb and Christ is made explicit in 1 Corinthians 5:7. For Paul, Christians are saved by Christ as their true paschal lamb. The Old Testament also testifies to the earlier practice of sin offerings as a possible means of atonement. Lambs could be used in these offerings (e.g. Leviticus 4:32-34 and 5:6), and this link is … [Read more...]
Latin Mass Parts for Lent
As I mentioned in the bulletin and at Mass several weeks ago, we will start using some of the Latin Mass parts in our Lenten Sunday Masses. On the opposite page are those parts. They are the “Sanctus” (Holy, Holy, Holy), the “Mysterium Fidei” (the Mystery of Faith) and the “Agnus Dei” (the Lamb of God). Many of the older members of the parish will be quite familiar with the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei, if not the Mysterium Fidei, but everyone will find that they are very easy to chant, once you get used to it.As I wrote in that earlier bulletin article, the Mass was song almost exclusively in Latin from the earliest days of the Church, and certainly from the 3rd and 4th centuries.  In the middle of last century, Mass in the “vernacular” (the common, local language) began to be … [Read more...]