On Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. we will conduct a pro-life workshop in the cafeteria of St. Stephen Central School. The Sidewalk Heroes workshop is designed to help churches, groups and individuals feel better equipped to be on the sidewalk in front of an abortion mill. This workshop is geared for anyone going out on the sidewalk – whether to participate as a “prayer warrior” or as a counselor – but it can also be a great source of information for individuals who strongly believe in the pro-life movement but have never worked “in the trenches.”The workshop is faith-based, 3 hours long, and is packed with good information. The information includes the basics of abortion techniques; specific physical, emotion and spiritual consequences of abortions; who is typically seen going … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2013
Special Mass for Priests
Memorial of St. John VianneySt. Stephen's ChurchTuesday, August 4, 2009 at 7:00pm On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus last June, the Holy Father inaugurated a “Year for Priests” in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the death of St. John Marie Vianney. This Tuesday commemorates that anniversary, and a special Mass will be celebrated at St. Stephen's to which all priests of the Archdiocese have been invited.St. John Marie Vianney (May 8, 1786 - August 4, 1859) was known popularly as the “Curé d'Ars” (the pastor of the village of Ars, France), and he is the patron saint of parish priests. During his lifetime, he became notable internationally for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish due to the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its … [Read more...]
Welcome to our new Director of Religious Education and our new Building Manager ("Sexton")It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that the parish has hired two new full-time employees. They are Phillip Bellini and Liam Cousino. Phillip comes to Good Shepherd Parish after having worked for the last six years at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Kenner. While there he was directly in charge of the CCD program, the RCIA program, Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation (for the church and school) and Adult Religious formation. Phillip has a virtually every certification from the Archdiocese of New Orleans to serve as a DRE and a catechist. Some of you may know that Phillip was responsible for bringing the Vatican Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles to the … [Read more...]
No to Planned Parenthood!
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, an affiliate of Planned Parenthood (PP), the largest abortion business in the nation, plans to open a 7,000 square foot facility on Claiborne Ave in 2014. This multimillion-dollar “New Orleans Health Center” will become a regional abortion center in the heart of New Orleans, leading to an increase in abortions in New Orleans. PP consistently shows a trend of driving women to choose abortion instead of options that are less financially beneficial for PP, such as adoption or prenatal care. PP is the nation's largest abortion business, performing approximately 1/3 of U.S. abortions (PP performed 333,964 abortions in 2011, more than the population of Orleans Parish). PP abortion numbers have continued to increase, as national abortion rates have … [Read more...]
Holy Communion
This Sunday's Gospel passage marks the beginning of the “Bread of Life” discourse from the 6th chapter of John's Gospel, a chapter we'll read in its entirety over the course of the next five weeks. This week begins with the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, which makes up the first fifteen verses of chapter 6. It's a miracle that prepares the followers of Jesus for the words to follow. By revealing that He has the ability to perform miraculous acts, Jesus presents Himself as someone to be believed. But He doesn't want His followers to settle for earthly food. Over the course of the discourse, Jesus calls His disciples to a greater reality: the reality that God has come among them and desires to bring them into communion with Him. Jesus recognizes and attends to the earthly … [Read more...]
Paul Nalty, R.I.P. – 7/28/1936 – 7/16/2009
I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who extended condolences to me and my family upon the sad occasion of the death of my Dad. I am particularly grateful to those who have prayed for us, those who have offered Masses for Dad, and for those who attended the funeral on Tuesday. Had he been here in person, Dad would have been very humbled by the attendance of two Archbishops, an auxiliary Bishop, an Abbot, over fifty priests, as well as scores of deacons and over 1000 religious and lay faithful who were in attendance. The photo of Dad above is the entirely of the cropped photo that was used for the newspaper obituary. It was taken only three months ago, and it shows Dad posing for a photo that he wanted to send to a priest-friend of mine from Pittsburgh. Dad's the guy on … [Read more...]
Dress Code?
I first saw this sign on the front door of Ms. Mae's Bar at Magazine and Napoleon, and I loved it! Heck, if a bar can have a dress code, why can't the church! Summer in New Orleans is a time when we “dress down” to beat the heat. But dressing down doesn't mean we come to Mass in the same clothes we wear on the beach! The sacredness of the Eucharistic celebration urges all of us to dress so as to manifest the importance of what we are doing. Our beautiful church also calls to mind the formality and reverence of the liturgy. I don't see many “violations” but we should all be aware that our clothes don't distract others. If you're in doubt about what you're wearing, ask Ms. Mae, who usually attends the 4:00pm Vigil Mass. Because she looks wonderful!  … [Read more...]
From the Pastor – May 12, 2013
Then he led them out as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God. (Lk 24:50-53) Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, which is the elevation of Christ into heaven by His own power in the presence of His disciples. In Sacred Scripture, this occurred on the fortieth day after the Resurrection - which was actually last Thursday, traditionally called "Ascension Thursday." However, the celebration of the Ascension has been moved to Sunday to encourage a more active participation in the Feast. In terms of modern air travel, I guess Jesus' flight got postponed for three days! The … [Read more...]
Year for Priests and Prayer
In many parishes, including my home parish of St. Francis Xavier, there is a practice of having a family take a Mass Chalice home for one week to pray each night during that week for priestly vocations. During this Year for Priests, several parishioners have suggested that we introduce the same devotion, and also to pray for the sanctity of priests. If you or your family (no matter how large or how small) would like take part in this important mission, please contact the parish office. Each week's family will receive the chalice at the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday. … [Read more...]
Under Construction
During the months of June and July, St. Stephen School will be undergoing renovations, among which is the removal of asbestos insulation. For that reason, we will be unable to use the school for any summer activities. Also, parking in the schoolyard will be limited. I would kindly ask that the limited parking places in the schoolyard be reserved to our handicapped parishioners in need of the ramp. … [Read more...]