Archives for May 2013


Please join us at Good Shepherd Parish for Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacramentevery Tuesday at 5:00pmand Thursday mornings at 7am. Click here for a map of Adoration Chapels throughout the Archdiocese of New Orleans. … [Read more...]

St. Vincent de Paul

Feast Day, September 27Patron of Charitable SocietiesBorn in 1581 into a farming family in Pouy, France, Vincent's initial desire to be a priest was mainly for social advancement and monetary gain. Through a process of careful planning and being in the right place at the right time, Vincent was ordained a priest at the ripe age of nineteen by an elderly bishop who could barely see or hear.Beginning his ordained life with less than pure motives, Vincent's change of heart began in the middle of one of his visits to the poor tenants of a wealthy estate holder. When Vincent was called to hear the confession of a dying man, the spiritual naiveté of the penitent shocked Vincent. The poor man knew next to nothing about his religion. Not long after, Vincent preached a sermon on general confession … [Read more...]

Respect Life Sunday – October 4, 2009

Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. The conviction that human life is sacred and that each person has inherent dignity that must be respected in society lies at the heart of Catholic social teaching. Calls to advance human rights are illusions if the right to life itself is subject to attack. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death; that people are more important than things; and that the measure of every institution is whether or not it enhances the life and dignity of the human person. (US Bishops: Faithful Citizenship - Civic Responsibility for a New Millennium, 1999). 40 Days for LifeSeptember 23 – November 1 40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of a … [Read more...]

Parish All Saints Day Party

There will be a party for all ages following the 10:30am Sunday Mass on All Saint's Day, November 1st. If you have any questions or are interested in helping out, please contact Kate Cousino at 891-6708 or email About the Saints In preparation for the feast, here is a look at some of the Saints significant to our own parish: Outside, across from the ramp, you may have noticed a new statue. This is a statue of St. Henry, patron saint of the childless, the handicapped, and those rejected by religious orders. Henry lived around the turn of the first millennium. Henry was a Duke of Bavaria and received the crown of Holy Roman Emperor from the hands of Pope Benedict VIII. His life was marked by great piety and he once attempted to abdicate his throne and retire into a … [Read more...]

A Message from Archbishop Aymond

A Message from the Most Reverend Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New OrleansJune 17, 2010 Archbishop expresses gratitude to legislators for declaring Day of Prayer for Oil Spill Recovery We thank the legislators for declaring this Sunday a Day of Prayer. This is a public sign of our humble dependence upon God.  Our hearts and prayers go out to those who were killed in the explosion. Likewise we offer prayerful consolation to their families and friends. The oil spill has very challenging affects on many people in our community, especially the fishing industry, oil industry and related works. We also need to be attentive to the impact on our environment and economy.  We ask God to reassure us and to walk with us in this very challenging time. We pray that: we may not lose hope, we … [Read more...]

Good Shepherd Religious Education News

For the Greater Glory of God      J.M.J. CCD-Parish School of ReligionOur CCD program for the 2012-2013 school year will begin on Sunday, September 23 at 9:20 A.M. We will begin meeting in Church this year to begin with prayer and then dismiss to classes in the cafeteria. The class will last till 10:20 A. M. The cost this year is $35.00 for the entire year. It's gone up this year because of the books and materials we use going up in cost. We will also be looking for anyone who is interested in teaching in our program so that we might begin to expand to more grade levels. Please contact Phillip Bellini for more details and to Register your child for next years classes. God bless you.Confirmation ProgramATTENTION to all parents who have children in their junior year of Catholic high … [Read more...]

Pastor’s Homilies – Audio

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Religious Education

Religious Education programs are going well. I'm happy to point out that two of our religious education programs are up and running. Our RCIA program has fifteen people studying the Catholic Faith on Wednesday nights. Our Church history course is picking up steam. We have thirteen people learning the history of the Catholic Church. I'm sure more will attend this vibrant course. We have room for more!Future programs. It's an exciting time! Our CCD program will be starting on September 27. Three children from our school will be taking RCIC classes beginning in October to become Catholic, please pray for them. Our youth ministry, The Dead Theologians Society, is beginning its membership drive for high school age teens!Phillip Bellini, DRE   … [Read more...]

The Latin Mass

Why Does the Priest “have his back to us”?Those of us who grew up in a totally post-Vatican II environment are accustomed to hearing about the Pre-Vatican II Mass as the one where “the priest had his back to the people.” That's a true description, but it's not entirely accurate. The priest only had his “back to the people” in the same sense that the person on the front row of the church “has his back” to the person in the second row of the church, and the person in the second row “has his back” to person in the third row, and so on. In the pre-Vatican II Mass, everyone is facing in the same direction. Everyone in the church is facing east.Have you ever noticed that the churches in our parish – St. Henry, Our Lady of Good Counsel and St. Stephen – are located on the downtown side of … [Read more...]

From the Sexton – September 20, 2009

There are many exciting projects ongoing in our parish. This past Tuesday we had a huge crane arrive to bring me up the 215 feet so that I could do an initial inspection of our steeple cross in preparation for mounting our new cross. Our steeple looks to be in very fine shape and we will be moving forward with the preparations to replace our broken cross. Our new cross is coming along very nicely. It is cast bronze and based on the original cross design for our church from Favrot & Livaudais dated June 12 1905. Please click here to see project pictures including crane shots from  the top.We are also continuing to repair the structural damage at the Blessed Pauline house, one of our parish properties on Constance St. On Monday of the coming week, we will begin to replace the faulty … [Read more...]