Archives for May 2013

Totus Tuus Retreat

Retreat for Priesthood Discernment March 18-20, 2011Friday Evening – Sunday MorningCenacle Retreat House Metairie, LouisianaTOTUS TUUS RETREAT WEEKEND is a vocation discernment retreat for single Catholic men, high school seniors, college age and over who have no dependents. It is hosted by diocesan priests and seminarians.  Archbishop Aymond will also participate.The Weekend provides an opportunity to learn about serving God and the Church as a diocesan or parish priest. It gives an inside look at what it is like to be a diocesan priest, showing the joys, opportunities and challenges of priesthood without pressure for commitment. There will be presentations, discussion, prayer and social time. This is a time to ask questions, reflect and pull it all together. There is no charge.For more … [Read more...]

Life and Family – The Culture of Life

  Stem Cell ResearchBy Jim and Martha Liston The subject I wish to discuss this week is far beyond my intellectual capacity to do it justice. I will only attempt to scratch the surface, providing information which you could easily find on the internet. However, I think it is time to set the record straight concerning the basic science of stem cell research. Whenever I read an article in the paper concerning this subject it rarely defines the type of research being discussed or, and more importantly, the validated merits of the endeavor. They also have a tendency to pit the church against science to somehow say that we, the People of God, stand in the way of progress. Some progress is good and some not so good, dare I say evil. Do you think the Catholic Church supports stem cell … [Read more...]

Mass Schedule

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) Monday, December 31 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St Stephen (Confessions prior) Tuesday, January 1 6:30am Mass at St. Henry Church 6:00pm Mass at St. Stephen Church (followed by the parish open house potluck!) … [Read more...]

Christmas in March

Solemnity of the Annunciation March 25, 2011 – Mass 8:30amNo abstinence from meat! If Jesus was born on December 25, then he was conceived nine months earlier. And that's why the Church singles out March 25 as the Solemnity of the Annunciation – the day when Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel. As any mother can tell you, although a child's birthday is the day that the world gets to see him in person for the first time, her baby was alive in her womb long before he was born! Jesus became incarnate in Mary's womb at the Annunciation. God became man on March 25, not December 25. Let's celebrate at Mass! And since the Solemnity falls on a Friday, the feast of a Solemnity is celebrated rather than the abstinence of a Lenten Friday. You can eat meat and celebrate the incarnation of … [Read more...]

Work of Human Hands Retreat

Work of Human Hands Gourmet Food &Wine RetreatJoin Fr. Leo Patalinghug, known for his famous thrown down with the Food Network's Bobby Flay, as he takes you on a travel experience of a lifetime!Daily Mass, Private Wine Tastings, Culinary Presentations, Spiritual Direction, Land Only. June 5–9 2011: Napa Valley Gourmet Food and Wine Retreat, the Meritage Resort $2389.Call Corporate Travel Service at 313-565-8888 x 121 for more details or reservations.  … [Read more...]

Catholics Come Home (CCH) is dedicated to presenting the honest truth about even very difficult subjects. CCH wants to share with you the beautiful, historical and miraculous aspects of the Catholic Church. People who have taken the time to explore CCH are surprised to find out that there is much more to Catholicism than they ever realized. Read more > … [Read more...]

Life and Family: The Culture of Life

By Jim and Martha ListonHow hard is it for a young person to lead a faithful catholic life today? I think it takes nearly heroic virtue. Everything is up for grabs. Sex, drugs, alcohol, pornography; religion is ridiculed, faith is unspoken. We need good examples for our youth. We need you! Grandma, Grandpa”¦you're up! It's your turn to take charge. We need you to teach your grandchildren the faith. I speak for myself when I say I look back and see my failure with my own children. It is easy to blame the church, and some of the blame does rest there. It is easy to blame a depraved culture. Yes, some of the blame is also there. Yet most is with myself, who strayed from the church when she needed me most and gave in to culture. If you are like me, its time to admit our faults, strengthen … [Read more...]

Vigil for All Nascent Human Life

Saturday, November 27 at 2:45pmOn Saturday, November 27 at St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate a “Vigil for All Nascent Human Life” coinciding with first vespers of the First Sunday of Advent. Along with the Holy Father, Archbishop Aymond is encouraging all pastors to preside in analogous celebrations involving the faithful in their respective parishes. Our Vigil will take place beginning at 2:45pm before the Saturday Vigil Mass. It will involve Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with prayers for all human life.  During the Holy Hour, Msgr. Nalty will be available to hear confessions during the usual time.  The Vigil will end with Benediction before our 4:00pm Vigil Mass. … [Read more...]


THANKSGIVING DAY MASS 9:00 A.M. Thursday, November 25, 2010 St. Stephen Church THANKSGIVING FOOD & DONATIONSWe feed a number of poor families for Thanksgiving, and many more come to our door asking for food. We would appreciate any donations of canned goods or money to help us purchase gift cards. Please put cans in the large wooden bin at the back of church. … [Read more...]

Whatsoever You Do…

The meeting last weekend for the Parish Outreach Committee went very well. Hunter Harris reports that our first step is to meet with some of the sisters at St. Joseph Parish on Tulane Avenue to ask whether we might take one of the meals that are served in their facility. In the meantime, we would like to do something smaller, like perhaps bring meals to those who are homebound. If any parishioners know someone who is homebound, it would help if you let the parish office know so we can try and serve them a hot meal on a regular schedule. The next meeting of the Parish Outreach Committee will be at 9:00am on January 15 in the rectory. … [Read more...]