Eucharistic Procession!

All are invited to participate in a Eucharistic Procession immediately following the 10:30am Mass next weekend.  The procession will exit the Church, turn right on Napoleon Avenue and then go around the school and the church before returning into the church for Benediction. It will be lead by a crucifer, and we will chant Eucharistic hymns as we bring carry Jesus in the Holy Eucharist throughout our neighborhood, after which we will have a fish fry and serve snow balls for young and old!

We would like to invite First Communicants and young children (K-4th) to wear white attire to lead the procession.  Please meet in the front of the church near the confessional immediately after the 10:30am Mass and we will direct you.  Either bring your own decorated basket for rose petals, or one will be provided.  Anyone who can save rose petals (by putting them in the fridge) is also asked to do so. Any questions about the Corpus Christi Procession can be directed to Kathy Fayard at